tests show world champion south african runner has nuts

If it has testicles, it is superior to those other women, and thus shouldn't be allowed to compete with the testicle envy folks.
Would you fuck yourself if you had both a dick and a pussy? Which would you use to masturbate with? I'd probably fuck myself at least once.
That's harsh. He/she didn't know the results, but now the entire world does. Ouch.

She knew what to expect. I'm no gynecologist, but without a uterus I doubt she ever had a period (and without the ovaries, not much to cause one).

If you get to be 18 years old without having that checked out, you deserve whatever kind of public humiliation you receive. I'm more inclined to think she knew something was up:
God made me the way I am and I accept myself. I am who I am and I'm proud of myself. I don't want to talk about the tests. I'm not even thinking about them.

Maybe the presence of the internal testes was a surprise, but the warning signs were there.
She knew what to expect. I'm no gynecologist, but without a uterus I doubt she ever had a period (and without the ovaries, not much to cause one).

If you get to be 18 years old without having that checked out, you deserve whatever kind of public humiliation you receive. I'm more inclined to think she knew something was up:

Maybe the presence of the internal testes was a surprise, but the warning signs were there.

Because africa is packed full of gynos :rolleyes: