Teen Sends Student Semen-Frosted Brownies

JuggerNaught said:
shit in my school, this kid would have been cheered for the rest of his time in school. people would still be talking about it when they see him around town in his 30's
There are pranks that are funny as hell, and then some that are morbidly funny to us because they're sick as hell.

Though morbidly funny, you didn't get "good" popularity from doing something disgusting back in the day. It definitely earned you a few nicknames to be ridiculed with as you walked down the hall for the rest of your stay in HS, though. But different strokes for different schools, I guess.
I have never seen a school where something like this wouldnt make you an instant superstar, especially with the jocks who still think farts are funny
Doaln said:

he needs to make a shirt with "how'd you like the glaze?"
to wear for his first day back.


maybe a krispy kreme shirt that has a big HOT N FRESH sign on the front
AirGibson said:
There are pranks that are funny as hell, and then some that are sick as hell.

You didn't get "good" popularity from doing something disgusting back in the day, though it definitely earned you a few nicknames to be ridiculed with as you walked down the hall for the rest of your stay. But different strokes for different schools, I guess.

I have this feeling that if the kids that were picking on him pick on others fairly often then noones gunna care.

There were plenty of times the "popular" kids went to far picking on the "loser" only to have the loser suddenly erupt in a fit of rage and completely rape the shit out of the popular kid. I think one time our star qb was picking on a computer geek, and had been for months. Geek just finally straight up blasted him in the nuts and then walloped him in the nose while he was bent over, and broke the shit out of it (also broke his own hand).

Anyway football team left him alone afterwards and the qb lost MAJOR face.

I think something similar will happen here. I know I would fucking applaud anyone witht he balls to spum on some brownies and give them to somone picking on them.
how are you going to get caught on something like that though... looks like he ratted on himself... there's 90 days in jail when a simple "ha ha" in the lunchroom would have worked just fine
There was a guy that blew up some kids truck in my town, and took a picture of it, and made a T-shirt with the kids truck in flames on the front, and under it, it said
"I blew it up"

but soon after the cops searched his car, found the shirt, and now he is in jail for a long time.
gumb0 juan said:
There was a guy that blew up some kids truck in my town, and took a picture of it, and made a T-shirt with the kids truck in flames on the front, and under it, it said
"I blew it up"

but soon after the cops searched his car, found the shirt, and now he is in jail for a long time.
JuggerNaught said:
well a kid bringing brownies with semen on them beats the fuck out of a kid bringing semi-automatic with bullets in it.
Bounty said:
Where can I get some of these brownies?

Im visiting my mom in williamsburg in the next few week. I'd be glad to bring some over for ya. My mom makes some badass brownies, and well, while im not peter north...I think I can glaze those bad boys up in a few "sessions"
They fucked with his sandwhich, he fucked their brownies... seems fair to me :shrug:

Some people take things too far, and I seriously doubt the peanut butter in the cheese sandwhich was the only thing those kids had done to him. I'd like to know who ratted him out, or if he told them and they whined to someone about it.

If you don't like payback, don't fuck with people..seems fair enough to me.