TCP/IP Gurus question


Veteran XX
OK I can manually set the IP on the PC and ping the gateway and myself. I can even ping the IP Address of I cannot ping though. I noticed that when I pinged from CMD I got:


Pinging ( Triangle pointing -> ) with 32 bytes of data:

Instead of:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

I got the DNS settings from another PC that is working fine on the same network. The manual address I used is working but not with DNS. Any ideas? I suspect something is corrupt and I have come across the problem before but I don't remember what I did to fix it.

can you ping the IP of the DNS servers you've entered? If so, and they're correctly responding to queries from elsewhere, it's most likely to be something on your own system.. check any firewalling rules to ensure you're allowing DNS (UDP port 53) from those addresses, and try manually running an nslookup with those servers specified ("host <ip>" once you've launched nslookup from a command prompt, then try some addresses and/or ips)

Failing that, you may have a corrupt TCP/IP stack.. I remember that did happen every once in a while back when I was doing support, but that's quite a few years (and versions of Windows) back.
Sweet, I will try that. I didn't want to have to reinstall Windows. I am gonna try that then. I just couldn't figure out how to search for something like this in Google.
no guarantees that it will work. You may have to reinstall, that lspfix (and various other versions at the bottom of the page) are just last ditch efforts to get it working again...
you shouldn't need to reinstall windows if TCP/IP is hosed (make sure you try my initial suggestions first, much easier), just TCP/IP.. from memory (and it's hazy) you can just go into your networking setup, remove the TCP/IP protocol, reload, then add TCP/IP back in again (you'll probably need to reload again here, too)
What Hamster said... also check your \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file to make sure no monkey biz is going on in there.