Tattoo Suggestion (Location)

Archimedes said:
The whole tribal/japanese writing thing is going to be out in like 3 years.. don't get that. Get something that will mean something to you and only you.
like a blood eagle on the shin or shoulder
I was thinking about getting an M(Monk is my last name...and what everyone knows me by.) on my right calve.

A little rough drawing I made up:
Archimedes said:
The whole tribal/japanese writing thing is going to be out in like 3 years.. don't get that. Get something that will mean something to you and only you.

I didn't get it because of the hype. I'm Chinese as a matter of fact and it's a family thing...
Liquid said:
Yeah, yeah.

I was also refered to as "Bulletproof" for awhile.

Hearing 30 people say, "Sup Bulletproof" every day got annoying.
I cant believe you gave that kid a rock tumbler for his birthday. or that you only drink one label of spring water.
Excel said:
I cant believe you gave that kid a rock tumbler for his birthday. or that you only drink one label of spring water.

I have no idea of what you're refering to.

Having a name like "Mike Monk" is weird.
Archimedes said:
The whole tribal/japanese writing thing is going to be out in like 3 years.. don't get that. Get something that will mean something to you and only you.
it was out 3 years ago
and "tribal" is just weird ass designs, i wanna know what "tribe" its supposed to be from.
Can anyone do me a favor and put a couple of pictures together for a tattoo I am thinking about getting? I am an absolute retard in the ways of photoshop.
I have 2 tat idea's for myself, but I'm not sure if I really want them.

and english scriptured "B" for breaker ;) on my right shoulder.
and yes, it's lame because it's my online handle, but it's also my DJ name, etc. So.. dunno if I want that, cuz its kinda lame reason, but I think it might look cool...

2nd one is of a sound wave that goes down my back.
I googled someone's back, and see how it would look


'd have to be done by a really skilled artist, and since both of these idea's are lame, I probebly wont get them.. dunno, waddya think?