talk to me about radar detectors

u noob get valentine 1 and laser jammer k bye thread ovar

i don't have a jammer. but the v1 is probs the best investment you can make.

although, cobra has some new ones that have GPS in them and label/warm of speed cameras by location etc etc...
i had a few radar detectors when i was in my teens and early 20's

got lots of tickets back then

haven't had one in over a decade

no tickets

you figure it out, god boy
i know plenty of people in their 30's who drive twice as fast as me. My uncle is 50 and minimum he does is 140 km/h, but he does them on mennocountry roads.

At certain points in my life 10 minutes of my day becomes extremely valuable. 10 min a day x 5 = 1 hr a week lost time in commute (during the summer i normally work 16 hrs a day)

obviously my days of speeding are over unless i can even the odds technologically
it's always odd when togowack asks the internet questions because he's so much smarter than everyone else already
i don't know what's funnier, someone who got 2 tickets in 5 years looking at a $1500 radar detector, or togo pretending he can actually afford it
i don't know what's funnier, someone who got 2 tickets in 5 years looking at a $1500 radar detector, or togo pretending he can actually afford it

re-reading that post, i think he is saying he got 2 tickets for running a stop sign, 2 speeding tickets, 1 red-light ticket, and 1 speed camera ticket

i think togo you do need to go driver re-education classes since you are obviously a terrible driver with poor awareness
no i get my tickets when I start losing my head during the summer on 6 hrs sleep a day and high pressure work environments. Lately, the cops have been mixing up their patrol rotations and I think they do it on purpose like this.
only 6 hours... aww you poor baby! :lol:

getting a few speeding tickets is one thing

breaking 4 different traffic laws should give you a big hint...
what's your new ride togo?

I wanted this one: (it came available at $15k actually)


still not sure between that and this


the chargers are getting really hard to find, and the camaro is about $5k cheaper on average

probably pray about it :)
only 6 hours... aww you poor baby! :lol:

getting a few speeding tickets is one thing

breaking 4 different traffic laws should give you a big hint...

sleep depends on the job, I was doing error inspection for the government at the time and the stress level for me was astronomical because I was running from one end of the city to the other and machining parts for 8 hrs of the day.

i failed at both and got a couple demerits

i know what to say if they send me to court. But I don't really care about any of this crap because I just got a job 5 minutes away from my house.
i wish I had t2 zoom levels & realtime satellite imagery with some kind of software enhancement

you guys know soon they will fly UCAV's and they will track everything we do.
Togo, get the Charger. Challengers look cool, but it's still a Chevy. I haven't seen a Chevy hold up very well past 20,000 miles. All the little shit goes wrong. My Charger is at 40k now, and it's been perfect. I love it. I think 2007s still had the Mercedes-Benz transmission, too (mine did).
What Def said. Don't go more than 7 over. Leave early if you're always running late. Speeding doesn't make up much time.