T2 suggestions plz.


I used to play Tribes 2 quite a bit, but lost my CD. I recently purchased a copy for $3, but have noticed nearly all the servers are running various mods, rather than base or classic. I've tried connecting to mods, but many are too full of weird weapons, etc. Noone seems to be playing classic ro base, they're nearly always empty.

What is the best mod for someone who just wants to play tribes with the standard weapons, etc. If it's impossible, what are the best mods people are playing on. Some mods have so much new stuff that I can't figure it all out, plus there's minimal docs.

I want to play again, but am confused by all the weird mods.


If you just want to play CTF make a filter for CTF and also classic if that's what you prefer. There's good games in classic on "Nixfix Dedicated Dallas" (the overflow pw is "teetoo4lyfe") or less often at MoFo's Titty Bar at TAC2 can be pretty fun but people only really play on Fridays.

I personally play Team Rabbit 2, but that can be a bit overwhelming for most people to learn. There's a newbie guide here but for the newest version of quickstart find me on irc.dynamix.com #lofty.
If you want to play classic, don't try it during the middle of the day or you'll find only empty servers. The classic crowd comes on around 5 or 6pm cst. At least that's what I've noticed.
Actually, while I'm not very good compared to most of you hard-core folks, I love Tribes 2, and consider it to be one of the very best computer games ever made. I've played Team Rabbit, and think it's incredible, especially the way it gives names to maneuvers based on many different factors. Really an original concept.

I'll try looking for Classic servers again in the evening. The last time I checked, the only servers with people playing were things like shifter, renegades, etc., which I don't really like very much. So I'll take your advice and look at different times, esp. evening.

I'll check out TAC2. Thanks for all your comments.

No game moves the way Tribes does. It just feels amazing to move across a map in this game.

Well, TAC2 has some pretty big gameplay changes from base. The biggest of which is that the ground kills you. Vehicles are the only way to get from point A to point B. TAC2 forces teamwork that is very rare in Tribes2. We have weekly games on friday nights.
ahem, 90% of mods killed tw... why? they splintered the community. therefore there isnt enough people playing any one mod since everyone is spread out playing 50 different mods. if everyone was playing just classic or tr2 we'd have a pretty active community. in fact, people would come back, i garuntee it.

but guess what, you fags are still making new shitty mods that no one will play.