[T2 Release] vehiclebinds


Veteran XV

Extract into your Base folder. Run the supplied "Create vehiclebinds.bat" if you want to create seperate keymap files for each vehicle. You will have to create your own keymap files if you use something other than MyConfig for your binds. The script automaticly detects if you have created the keymap files using the bat file and selects the files accordingly, else it sets up to whatever keyfile you previously used. You can change what keymap file you want for each vehicle through the vehiclebinds options.

Ingame, mount the vehicle you want to change the binds for, go to the Controls options and set your controls for that vehicle.
The script will then change your keyfile to the one selected for your vehicle upon mounting and select your loadout bind upon dismounting.

Any bugs, please let me know so i can fix them asap.
The controls should automaticly change whilst inside the vehicle, but some script binds may not. I will have to add these binds to the list if someone needs them.

Edit: Just updated the script with Kaitens help (<3) to automaticly create the keymap files when you install the script without the need of the bat file.
I'm very complaisant about doing the same with loadoutbinds but i would prefer to give the user the option on whether to create the extra 20 keymap files. i'll probably add it as an option on the config pane to create the files individually rather than create them all at the same time. i'll keep you posted about it in the loadoutbind thread.
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