[T1 Request] Screen Shot Dropping Script


Veteran XV
I searched on google and TW for a long time and couldn't find one of these. Could someone create a script (or direct me towards one already made in case I missed it), that would allow me to take a screenshot everytime I made a kill with a certain weapon? Like the spinfusor or laser/sniper rifle ... then it would dump the screenshot and make a jpg file for it.

seriously though, theres fstat ma screenshot scripts out there, which is the best youre going to find. no ones going to code you something new this late in the game...

i was using vikingpack, uh 3 or 4 or some version. theres a newer one out by now im sure. prolly should check the RDB.
Hm yes, that's cool. But I never could get the King Tomato pack to work properly. It either never worked, or just crashed my Tribes whenever I tried opening it. I followed the directions to the point. I'll try fixing it out later.

I don't think it's that late to request something for T1, people still play it. Even though T:V is out, that doesn't make T1 or T2 obsolete. Thanks though.
also it will make you a 1.5+ MB .bmp which will likely lag you a bit
(recommended for use in demos only)
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Nio said:
Isn't there a way to change that to a small size? Like JPG instead of BMP?

Yeah...go get Photoshop or the like. I belive Adobe even gives trieals out. If you know how to...mess around...you can get adobe for free for life realy.

However...Adobe Elements 2.0 is only $99 and is quite the little power packer for it's price. Allows you to do custom stuff aside from resizing and reformatting. Then again, I think Jasc 8.0 is also $99 and I got Jasc animation shop free with that.

You basicly want photo imaging software to reformat and resize images.

I have Halshot for T2, and was also used to take pictures for this one game for a community I used to visit often.

Hope this info helps...
I hope this help, just coded it.
It requires Killtrack and event handling.

get it here

//Purpose: Screenshot on kill with any weapon
//Author: greyHound
//Date: 2004/12/11 
//Insiprated: by Nio
//Requirements: Event Handling Pack
//installation: put in any executed *.cs file or create ur own and exec it.
//just add the desired weapons to the $ssscript::wpnarray variable.
//Vehicle,Chaingun,Plasma,Explosives,Laser Rifle,Mortar,Blaster,ELF Gun
$ssscript::wpnarray = "Disc Launcher Laser Rifle";
$sss::tooglekey = "j";
//default "on" change to false to have it off per default
$sss::mode = "true";
//delay until the screenshot is done. 0.3 is a quite good value.
$sss::delay = 0.3;

//no need to change anything below

Event::Attach(EventKillTrak, SSScript::Parse);

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, $sss::tooglekey, TO, "SSScript::toggle();");
bindCommand(keyboard0, break, $sss::tooglekey, TO, "");

function SSScript::Parse(%serverid, %victim, %killer, %wpn)

    if(%killer == getManagerId())
        if(String::findSubStr($ssscript::wpnarray, %wpn) != -1 )
            schedule("screenShot(MainWindow);", $sss::delay);


function SSScript::toggle()
$sss::mode = !$sss::mode;
remotebp(2048, "KillScreenshot enabled", 3);
remotebp(2048, "KillScreenshot disabled", 3);
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Thanks GreyHound. Heh, I even get recognition.

It creates the picture files themselves though, right? (and in JPG to reduce some lag when creating it). I won't have a chance to try this out for a while because I've been playing T:V lately.

I found one that was similar. It was the pics.cs script, but you had to paste the picture yourself because it just did the manual printscreen + ctrl and I don't think that worked properly.
My pack not work? Gasp!

It's been known to freak out, but only in windowed mode. as long as tribes doesn't start windowed, or enter windowed mode, it should be fine ;)

Besides, the pack (i assume my first edition with the screen shot abilities of Mid-Airs), was only for Nappy Mod. We had a dueling team that announced direct hits, so it didn't take unneccesary SSs. Beware, with that you get a screen shot for every kill with that weapon. Depending on the resoultion you run, it may only take a 200 or so kills to reach a gig (the ss's range from 1 to 5.5 megs a piece).
get irfanview or something similar. irfanview.com is the url iirc. it has really nice batch conversion / renaming features. xnview's similar but heavier... you should have a good image viewer on your computer anyhow. tsk tsk tsk.
KingTomato.org said:
My pack not work? Gasp!

It's been known to freak out, but only in windowed mode. as long as tribes doesn't start windowed, or enter windowed mode, it should be fine ;)

Besides, the pack (i assume my first edition with the screen shot abilities of Mid-Airs), was only for Nappy Mod. We had a dueling team that announced direct hits, so it didn't take unneccesary SSs. Beware, with that you get a screen shot for every kill with that weapon. Depending on the resoultion you run, it may only take a 200 or so kills to reach a gig (the ss's range from 1 to 5.5 megs a piece).
Long time no see Mr. KT. :)