[t1 request] Health / Nrgy Percentage hud


Veteran XV
i dont know of anyone who has done this but i wanted to see if someone could and for me!!!!

what i want is a right justified hud located near the ret that displayed the health percentage (100% being full health 0% being no health) and the same (100% full jets 0% no jets) that would be displayed every tenth second or so.. whatever so it looks smooth as it goes down :p... anyways... this would be totally sweet if you could do it... i dont know where to begin otherwise i would.. .i figure andrew will be like oh you idiot here, which would be great :eek:
standalone- btw so you will have to id all your events... its for evitas 7k config :D (which i hacked down in halfish)

much thanks
i could make your current energy/health accesable by variables if u want
itd take about 4 lines of code to make $pref::Health and $pref::Energy :p
[meph]DooM! said:
i could make your current energy/health accesable by variables if u want
itd take about 4 lines of code to make $pref::Health and $pref::Energy :p
sure :p script me up
i knew andrew (tribesgod) could do it
[meph]DooM! said:
ill have to add it to HUDBUTT
so in the next public version i can have them
ok man... if you need beta tester.... ./me raises hand fiercely or i can skin shit.... there is an I in tani..
Evita said:
how the hell did you get my 7k config?

edit: nm, thought i had that blocked.
... yea... sorry i happened to see it there... its sexy btw... im only one who knows about it cause i always check subfolders :p

im thinking of putting it near the ret... which would own

edit: its safe... i beta'ed your 1.6 faggot :p i have your secrat hacks tho
out of curiousity, what did you chop out of it? it only has this:

// evita 7k config
// fast favs, ski, tv, spew, kill sound, auto heal,
// drop mines, drop kit, max mine/nade throw, flag status.

It was at 4k before i added flag status.
Evita said:
out of curiousity, what did you chop out of it? it only has this:

// evita 7k config
// fast favs, ski, tv, spew, kill sound, auto heal,
// drop mines, drop kit, max mine/nade throw, flag status.

It was at 4k before i added flag status.
basically everything but flagstat
i really dont want to add custom fonts in to it, but that seems like the easiest way to draw text (unless i figure out how to remove tribes stupid clipping)
[meph]DooM! said:
i really dont want to add custom fonts in to it, but that seems like the easiest way to draw text (unless i figure out how to remove tribes stupid clipping)
hrmm.. is there a way to just provide the varibles and script them into a hud in tribes?

edit: like a exe patch
if i provide the variables w/ hudbot you can just make them into a hud, that wont be a problem :p

i was talking about drawing text in tribes w/ external exe in general
[meph]DooM! said:
if i provide the variables w/ hudbot you can just make them into a hud, that wont be a problem :p

i was talking about drawing text in tribes w/ external exe in general
rgr.. gracias tribalgod

u can try that one out (0.3a), its the latest hudbot w/ my custom compass (shit) + 32bit weapon skins (shit) + bliss's rocking RC sky

downside is your gamma is locked, the only thing changing the gamma slider will do is change some interface elements + your fog/tracers

health and energy are in $Health and $Energy

p.s. i dont even know if the custom textures will work for other people yet :p

p.p.s. just unzip to your tribes dir, tribes\andrew is where my textures are loaded from
i should be able to, but it will take time since ill have to scan for each frame ;(

i got lucky w/ skies, when the first frame is loaded, the rest are loaded in sequential order right after