[T1] Radeon "bug"?


Veteran X
I always wondered what this oddity was in people's screenshots. I've always used 3dfx and Nvidia cards, and today I got a new Radeon card, and there it is!!


(the first character in the clockhud and chathud is the wrong color)

This is annoying as hell, so I'm wondering, is this a well known documented thing, and is there a cure? I haven't gotten acquainted with this card and its settings yet.

Yes I know, it's a minor issue.. Still very annoying. ;|
Kachu said:
Play stock that sould fix your chathud and clockhud.
If you by "stock" mean without scripts and other addons, it's no difference. It's obvious that OGL versions in different gfx cards are more or less compatible with Tribes. This is especially apparent with Hudbot, as I've switched from Nvidia to ATI and got a whole new set of bugs. You'd think there'd be a standard that all OGL versions followed and that it was 100% backwards compatible...
Turned out this bug is caused by the transchat and transclock patches(in Patchergui). I totally forgot about those.. So then yea, stock fixes it. I'm curious as to why this happens with radeon but not geforce though..

I guess this means yet another thing to nag Andrew about. >_<
i get it too, it happend when i used hudbot combined with the 'fox patch'.

also i get stuck in the loading screen on mapchange
I really don't mind it, I don't get it on my basic tribes, but another config that has TW pack has it and it constantly flashes.

anyone else's machine lock up when you alt tab back into tribes (after tabbing out vge)?

i hadnt noticed it until just now, since i just now installed xp pro corp. sp2 on spare partition... weirdness

amd athxp 2.13ghz, RADEON 9800se, sblive! etc.
you know the OS.
tribes 1.11/1.30 LH/happyjump & hudbot 0.420

not a big problem as tribes is quick as hell to load/quit from but it's another annoyance, like the fucking blue type :x
you can also see lighting of a flag carrier through buildings with this video card... as well as some players depending on distance and angle which is usually about 400 meters away and pointing about 35 degrees downwards apon the building
uh, you're supposed to see the flag glow through buildings (like if they're up against the inv wall on DX)
it occurs in software mode and glide as well as opengl

same w/ distance, it's just usually subtle