[T1] LT Tournament 2.0 Signups

also yao didn't give high 5's to the puerto rican team after fiba refs fucked him

i totally don't give high 5's to LT queers
makim, akuma, telia, rifter, flash, drgon, DD, sammy, wufei, piano man, ill-man, vesuv, disk, velo (i am getting bored of searching the list so i will stop no disrespect to anyone not on my short list)

those are all very good players
See anyone with half a brain who actually plays currently would know that these guys aren't that great anymore. In fact a few of them are pretty much burdens on teams.
I'd say the exceptions would be drg0n (when he used to play) and makim, and possibly sammy
however, all of the people you just listed are inactive, or smurf in pubs and go unnoticed

i gotta agree though, cy not getting picked was a crime
See anyone with half a brain who actually plays currently would know that these guys aren't that great anymore. In fact a few of them are pretty much burdens on teams.
I'd say the exceptions would be drg0n (when he used to play) and makim, and possibly sammy
however, all of the people you just listed are inactive, or smurf in pubs and go unnoticed

i gotta agree though, cy not getting picked was a crime

many of the people are active, maybe not 2x a day active, but i play with most of them on a consistant basis. The problem is not activity, the problem is the small group of people that hump LT nonstop don't know them or care to know them.

I play consistantly, I have half a brain, and all the guys i listed could put together a competitive team.

i have no clue why you are trying to be all "these guys suck" when all of them are really solid, and i have no clue why you are being a fucking dick about it either.
i play a decent ammount

i smurf alot because a cool ammount of lt queers who now have admin have it out for me and will consistently kick or ban me for nothing
I'm sorry if you think I'm being a dick. All I'm saying is that I never really notice those players doing anything extra ordinary and thats probablly why they didnt get picked.

Not because they don't join in with the circle jerks.

In fact it'd be the exact opposite.
i dont care that much that i didnt get picked, i forgot about it for a while then just checked today to see what happened to it.

its just sad that if 130 people sign up to play a game that is like 8 years old and pretty damm dead, a good chunk of them get no chance at all to play a game that they enjoy/

i sorta pictured the tourny as a chance to let everyone who wants to get a little t1 competition in one last time, without having to circle jerk in irc and constantly keep known in the big time lt community.
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maybe we are watching 2 different games when we play, cause dudes like Akuma, telia, makim, sammy, drgon, piano man, vesuv, disk and so on i see on servers regularily, and they always contribute more than positively. Maybe its cause i know them well, or guess their smurfs...idk

edit: exactly drgon, it makes no sense to leave 50% of the people that want to play a dead game hanging.
Except...it is a circle jerk. Who do you play as br0k3n? I've never seen anyone under that name.

SO and Crom, you guys are good home D from what I remember... :bigthumb:
not really,
you've changed your adjectives from "very active, and very skilled" to older, this is not the same thing

my point was just because you're an older player doesn't mean you're automatically going to get picked, especially if you arent active
hence why a guy like firestorm, who is a great player, ended up getting picked late in the draft
he wasn't active untill a few days before hand
or phantasma, who last year basically got picked in the 2nd/third round ended up getting picked late because he wasnt active untill litterally a day before the draft

point being, teams want active and skillfull players, who have been tried and tested, what good does a player do a team even when they have the biggest name if they're rusty and inactive?

-edit- still waiting on names/examples btw

I'm fairly sure that the reason cyanide doesnt get picked is because every server he geos into he attempts to tk as many people as he can. He then gets kicked and compalins that all admins have it out for him. Maybe if he didnt act like a douche all the time someone would have picked him.
(even if he is "better" than some of the people on the list)
I think we all know my team is gonna run this shit.
