T:V strat discussion: Rover


Veteran X
It seems to me that the Rover has the potential to change the game in many ways. So far in pubs it doesn't get much use which makes sense seeing that it can be hard to coordinate in that atmosphere. But oviously an organized match with the use of some voice program will easily change that.

The way I see it, and this could be quite wrong, is that the Rover, if capable of being kept alive for any period of time will allow for a more fluid tactical game. The game won't be played as statically as in previous games where before the match a captain calls for "6 O and 4 D."

While the rover is in play, teams will be able to run a kind of "powerplay" offense, stacking their defense, possibly even a 10 man defense and then on a whim whisking via rover teleport, 6, 7, or possibly even 8 players off to the enemy flagstand or base for a massive rapefest, either to take down equipment or to clear a stand. The play can last for a set ammount of time, with players respawning back home after so long, even if they are still alive for another D stack. The only downside to this is that they would need to suit. But supply stations will help with that.

So far, and I blame this on pubs, the most common Rover technique seems to be to take it somewhere a good distance behind the enemy base and try to hide it with those who are spawning trying to defend it if someone should catch on and go out to attack it.

Here is a controversial prediction: You will see many teams use it on the go rather than parking, probably even dedicating a medium driver with repair kit and weapons for dueling to drive the thing around all map. His job will be to coordinate the clowncar powerplay, defend the vehicle by driving it away from attackers and possibly getting out and dueling while at the same time repping the thing, and finally, and yes this is quite doable imo (especially during the confusion that would take place after a clowncar), spam the shazbot out of the flagstand and other enemy targets from a distance with the onboard aa turret. I wouldn't even be suprised if the driver is given one repair turret to deploy somewhere midfield where he can retreat the vehicle too for some uber repairs between himself and the turret.

In the 05 build I think the Rover is fast enough and has enough hp to handle all of these tasks. If the thing goes down, a team will revert to standard HO/LO route offense coordinating with cappers until another one spawns. But any map that features a Rover will be played quite differently from one that doesn't. Anyone think im smoking too much peace pipe with this prediction?
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Sounds like what I figure will happen.

I don't know that it's going to be major D and O stacking though... just having O show up that close to the target fully equipped on spawn will be more than a small advantage.

Heck, it might make a lot of sense to devote someone to rover hunting... a medium in a pod with a rocket pod (for when/if they're shot down) or something, I donno.

It should definatly make for some more fluid play, that I'm looking forward to.
granted the t2 mpb was significantly slower than the rover (i think, grrr no tv beta), this could have also be performed in t2 but wasnt. why? i think with someone up in the pod that's worth anything will spot the rover and take it out before things can get rolling with the "power play"

also, with the spawning while moving idea, if that was the case wouldnt you have to play spawn? or is this not an issue?
GIMPbeowulf said:
Heck, it might make a lot of sense to devote someone to rover hunting... a medium in a pod with a rocket pod (for when/if they're shot down) or something, I donno.

Yeah, i'd bet the rover will present such a threat on certain maps that it will require specific attention to thwart. I definitely see the pod filling this role mainly because it has the speed, visibility, and firepower to quickly dispatch a rover that isn't manned. The aa turrent will give it a chance against a good pod though. Footmen can still kill the thing though. Nades will rape it quickly especially if they are coming from multiple attackers.
Paragon- said:
granted the t2 mpb was significantly slower than the rover (i think, grrr no tv beta), this could have also be performed in t2 but wasnt. why? i think with someone up in the pod that's worth anything will spot the rover and take it out before things can get rolling with the "power play"

also, with the spawning while moving idea, if that was the case wouldnt you have to play spawn? or is this not an issue?

Currently the Rover can get to safety from a pod, that or outright destroy it with aa turrets or a medium repairguy with a good chaingun or rocketpod. Right now I would put my money on the rover being able to continuously escape and then repair for another run.

And no, the powerplay will be fully geared, the spawn point is also a station. In a way the powerplay is the Rover's best defense. It is harder to go after it when you just had 7 HO spawn on your flagstand.

Comparing the Rover to the mpb is laughable, the Rover is fast as shazbot with that afterburner burning.
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Mr_H said:

It would be fun to watch someone spawn there...and promptly get run over by their teammate :b

I believe you spawn out the back and a few feet from the actual vehicle, although I guess if you spawn while it is crashing into something you might well just get owned. I've killed myself in the 05 build by flipping it over on myself after a wreck. There is a certain way you have to do it, I failed.
How the rover gets used will really depend on team sizes. the more people their are, the more likely a team is to be able to defend it, or dedicate someone to driving it around or whatever. That being said, at 8v8 or 10v10 i think you can still do some pretty interesting stuff with it. I'm kind of curious about doing a little loop around the enemy base dropping off HO, then once everyone is out, the rover drives straight at the flag, accompanied by the HO, and followed by a capper.

It seems like it may actually ease offensive coordination in some cases.
jsut said:
How the rover gets used will really depend on team sizes. the more people their are, the more likely a team is to be able to defend it, or dedicate someone to driving it around or whatever. That being said, at 8v8 or 10v10 i think you can still do some pretty interesting stuff with it. I'm kind of curious about doing a little loop around the enemy base dropping off HO, then once everyone is out, the rover drives straight at the flag, accompanied by the HO, and followed by a capper.

It seems like it may actually ease offensive coordination in some cases.

Yes, I agree with your idea of the Rover attacking rather than simply dropping and running away. I think that in 10v10 and quite possibly even in 8v8 you will see a dedicated Rover driver. This is because it is not a waste of a man. Dropping off your HO and then getting at the maximum distance your AA turret will hit and spamming the flagstand or enemy defenders is quite effective offensively. The guns fire quickly and pack quite a punch. Plus, if you start taking alot of damage you are already a good ways away from the action and turning and hauling back to a repair turret or someone with a repair pack (maybe yourself) isn't that hard. The trouble will come from pods, rocket pods, or multiple attackers that persist and can't be cleaned up by the driver or by some friendlies nearby.
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That may be true. If you have have all your offense in position instantly, instead of 30 seconds later, then maybe you don't NEED to have the extra man there.

also, rather than having LD chase, they could respawn at the rover and pick people up midfield, or intercept them at, or near the stand. Of course that could easily lead to you getting chain capped left and right...
jsut said:
That may be true. If you have have all your offense in position instantly, instead of 30 seconds later, then maybe you don't NEED to have the extra man there.

also, rather than having LD chase, they could respawn at the rover and pick people up midfield, or intercept them at, or near the stand. Of course that could easily lead to you getting chain capped left and right...

Yes, seems like you would always need someone to stick around your flagstand. I never really thought of how it could be used to cover a capper midfield that needs help. Definitely a viable concept though.
Another thing is, that you don't have to have it where you're doing your offense in powerplay "rounds." If the enemy defense fails to pick up the rover in the confusion of the play then the driver can simply communicate to his offense to keep spawning while he sticks around firing the AA turret. In the 05 build you can also run the shazbot out of anyone that gets in your way. Getting hit by a passing rover will kill you.
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I don't get why people rape the isle or emerald base, and then they don't attack the rover. Most of the time the rover is just sitting in it's spawn spot. I'm just gonna suit up at the rover there while you 'camp' the base.

I think the rover use in comp is going to be pretty limited. You might be able to get a ho rush or two out of it, but it can be destroyed in spawn pretty easily. When you see that ho route that starts behind your base, it's not too difficult to figure out where it is.
Mota said:
I don't get why people rape the isle or emerald base, and then they don't attack the rover. Most of the time the rover is just sitting in it's spawn spot. I'm just gonna suit up at the rover there while you 'camp' the base.

I think the rover use in comp is going to be pretty limited. You might be able to get a ho rush or two out of it, but it can be destroyed in spawn pretty easily. When you see that ho route that starts behind your base, it's not too difficult to figure out where it is.

That is exactly my point. Keep it moving and attacking rather than just sitting around as a stationary spawn point. I don't think alot of the vets have thought about what this thing can do. It essentially removes the need for offense to travel to the flagstand or base. You say it is easily destroyed in spawn. True if its just sitting there. But its hard to kill when its blazing around the map. You need nades and persistence, either that or gonads and strife.
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Btw, if i didn't mention this, you don't need to have two people in the Rover to use the aa turrets effectively. You also dont have to get out to get in another seat, you simply hit 1 or 2 to instantly switch between the two seats.