T:V open beta- which maps will be included?


Veteran X
It seems that there are quite a few maps in rotation for the closed beta.
Winterlake, Emerald, Cavern, and Isle, at least.
Will these maps also be included in the open beta, or will we be limited to one map only?
Just asking, because I've been getting some mixed messages on this subject.
Anyone in the know care to enlighten me as to the map situation?

I'd imagine they would want to showcase at least one map with all vehicles, for proper bug/balance testing. My guess is that it will be either Isle/Winterlake, and Cavern.
Actually on the IGN preview they said that they had more than 4 maps in the closed beta and after TW it got cut down to only 4. So unless I'm totally off, I think that we might get those 4 maps ...
Amadeu5 said:
No, because there will be a DEMO featuring one of the single player missions.

Yeah, but why put out 3 or 4 forms of beta, then follow it up with a demo?

To me, it seems as if they're just labeling the actual demo, as open beta.
_roxycon said:
Yeah, but why put out 3 or 4 forms of beta, then follow it up with a demo?

To me, it seems as if they're just labeling the actual demo, as open beta.
Open beta will feature multiplayer, and will be a lot better platform for bug testing than one SP mission. Closed beta is good to sort out all the major bugs, but open beta ensures that the game is balanced and runs fine and bug-free on every kind of setup, simply because of the sheer number of the testers.
they aren't taking bug reports from the tws closed beta testers...so i actually think even though they are calling it an open beta, its almost more of a demo...basically this is a big marketing ploy to get the game known....(which i think is a good thing)
For those who missed it, Menzo posted this recently.

Menzo said:
Couple dates for you. No, I won't get more specific about the date for the open beta, demo, or release.

July - closed beta for Tribal-Wars/pre-orderers
August - open beta, demo (two separate things)
Early October - release (worldwide)
Yeah, marketing wise, it makes sense to have 5 different forms of beta.

1. Closed.
2. TW closed.
3. Bittah Closed.
4. FP Closed.
5. Open.

The best part is how they've advertised all along open beta, open beta, open beta, then decide to release it the same time they release demo? Makes cents($$), errr, sense.
_roxycon said:
Yeah, but why put out 3 or 4 forms of beta, then follow it up with a demo?

To me, it seems as if they're just labeling the actual demo, as open beta.
Then you'd be wrong.
_roxycon said:
Yeah, marketing wise, it makes sense to have 5 different forms of beta.

1. Closed.
2. TW closed.
3. Bittah Closed.
4. FP Closed.
5. Open.

The best part is how they've advertised all along open beta, open beta, open beta, then decide to release it the same time they release demo? Makes cents($$), errr, sense.
Euro closed is missing there :F