Super Fast Movement on TV server...


Veteran X
Well for those who like the fast movement in T1 and T2 I just found a server that has the same fast movement as T1 and T2 and its really fast for a TV server

The name of the server is .............

'|U|' United {DSA}

just for your info
Amadeu5 said:
And what exactly is allowing fast movement on that server that doesn't on others?

All I can tell ya its fast I didnt mod it I was just on it and its fast REAL FAST LIKE T1/T2 thats all I know. Dont ask me any questions cuz I have no answers! Go check it out for yourself!
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a mutator?

a mod?

but wouldnt a mod mean you have to restart T:V, and wouldnt a mutator be impossible cos T:V doesnt support them like ut2004 does? or maybe it does... please may someoneinform me
MrMeikel said:
a mutator?

a mod?

but wouldnt a mod mean you have to restart T:V, and wouldnt a mutator be impossible cos T:V doesnt support them like ut2004 does? or maybe it does... please may someoneinform me

All I can tell ya its fast I didnt mod it I was just on it and its fast REAL FAST LIKE T1/T2 thats all I know. Dont ask me any questions cuz I have no answers! Go check it out for yourself!
I'm not sure if that was the same server I was on a few days ago..

But it was nothing like T1/T2.

Walking speed was like 2x to 3x normal. People could probably run as fast as they ski. Then with epack boost and such can't really catch anyone, much less have a chance to chain/disc.

I'm not sure TribesVET ever played T1 Base or T2 Classic. I'm thinking Renedages, Shifter, Ninja, something SUPER DUPER CRAZY Mod stuff.

KillerONE said:
I'm not sure if that was the same server I was on a few days ago..

But it was nothing like T1/T2.

Walking speed was like 2x to 3x normal. People could probably run as fast as they ski. Then with epack boost and such can't really catch anyone, much less have a chance to chain/disc.

I'm not sure TribesVET ever played T1 Base or T2 Classic. I'm thinking Renedages, Shifter, Ninja, something SUPER DUPER CRAZY Mod stuff.


Well I guess you will nerver know until you log on that sever now will you!

And as far as you lame ass statement about me never played T1/T2 KISS MY ASS!! I ran and Base, Renegades, Ninja and War2003/War2004 servers! Have as nice day!
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KillerONE said:
I'm not sure if that was the same server I was on a few days ago..

But it was nothing like T1/T2.

Walking speed was like 2x to 3x normal. People could probably run as fast as they ski. Then with epack boost and such can't really catch anyone, much less have a chance to chain/disc.

I'm not sure TribesVET ever played T1 Base or T2 Classic. I'm thinking Renedages, Shifter, Ninja, something SUPER DUPER CRAZY Mod stuff.

I was in a server with 2 times speed, i dont know if thats what ur talking about vet but it didnt feel like previous tribes titles. T:v already feels like tribes to me and i dont need it to be any faster...ill check out that server today though
Ah, i guess you dont need to dl anything for this than. B/c when i played in a 2x server last week i dont recall dling anything when i joined
a lot faster than t1 and WAAAY faster than t2... feels a bit like tribes but not really. its just TV physics sped up by 2-3X and gravity increased a little. tribes super turbo edition :/ the novelty wears off after a few minutes
The speed of the weapons, like disc speed, feel like other tribes games to me but the running an jetting speed feels a little too fast
I've played on that server, or one like it, where everything was moving faster than default, including ski and projectile speed. It was a hell of a lot of fun. I hope this catches on.
Yeah, probably. What i think it does is it makes everything like 4x smallers so you traverse it 4x faster (this includes your view size and what you see, you see the same amount even though everything is smaller, nothing changes except for the speed). This probably wouldnt make it look to drastically different except in textures and using only 2x smaller wouldnt make much of a difference.

I concluded this instead of just increasing the speed of everything because my speed bar reads the same as usual.
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