

Veteran XV
Ok, so i went kayaking yesterday and beng the dumbass that i am i forgot to put on suntanlotion. So i now have a terrible sunburn on my face, i put aloe on it last night and when i woke up this morning i had these bubbles on my face filled wit yellow juice and even after i pop the bubbles my face keeps leeking this wellow juice.
what shuld i do?
subby| said:
what shuld i do?

Go to a doctor.
Sounds like second degree burns -


Burns are caused by fire, heated liquids, steam, sun, chemicals, and electricity. In evaluating the type of first aid appropriate for a burn, the source and extent of the injury and degree of the burn should be determined. Burns are generally classified according to their depth and degree of tissue damage.

First-Degree Burns. Limited to the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). The skin is red and tender and there may be swelling without blistering. Not generally considered serious.

Second-Degree Burns. Involve both the epidermis and underlying dermis. In addition to redness, tenderness, and pain, significant blistering occurs. These burns are not serious unless a large area is involved or secondary infection takes place.

Third-Degree Burns. Involve destruction of the full thickness of the skin and also may damage underlying tissue. Skin may be blackened or white and leathery feeling. Although these burns are always serious, there often is no pain because the nerves have been destroyed.


All widespread burns, including extensive sunburn.
All second-degree burns greater than 2 to 3 inches in diameter or those involving the hands, face, or genitals.
All-third degree burns regardless of size.
I guess im just trying to downplay it now becuz i dont wanna go to doctor but it was one blister and now that the blister is gone my face is juts dripping this yellow stuff no more blisters tho.
subby| said:
I guess im just trying to downplay it now becuz i dont wanna go to doctor but it was one blister and now that the blister is gone my face is juts dripping this yellow stuff no more blisters tho.

Yeah chicks really dig when your face oozes stuff out... Go to the doc and they can at least give you something to put on it. Unless you really want to look like the cop from silence of the lambs.