Suggestions for HD TV Tuner/Video Capture?


Veteran XV
Preferably something under $200 and does USB, but is not a must. I was looking at Hauppauge and Pinnacle ones and the next best thing is Pinnacle's PCTV HD Ultimate Stick.

Basically I want to watch and capture HD video from TVs and game consoles (720p/1080i).

The problem with Pinnacle is that it only supports composite and no HDMI and DVI for the gaming stuff. Does anyone have any experience with this tuner? Can it capture HD content from game consoles? (mainly for my 360 and PS2)

Any other suggestions are welcome.
if it only supports composite, it doesn't do HD that way. composite is the lowest of low res.

the only HD that tuner will do is free over-the-air HDTV content that's broadcasted to everyone.
Okay, so... got any suggestions for one that will? Doesn't have to be a tuner at all. Guess I'm kind of past that now.