[Stupidity] This is what happens when you forget to put the parking brake on a truck

I really hope you learn to like me. I am an acquired taste and I desperately need your approval.
you can do so much better than a half nigger ginger that looks like she's been on a 2 decade meth ride.
No, he's the leader and can kind of form thoughts on his own. The others just follow him around.
you can do so much better than a half nigger ginger that looks like she's been on a 2 decade meth ride.

This one I don't get? Are you talking about that time I got down to 105lbs and had ribs showing? My bad for being a normal weight and then getting the flu and losing 15lbs. Because facially I look like I'm 15.
Girlfriends. They're temporary and not life partners. I like women for the same reason most of you guys like women. Hit it and quit it. I don't want a long term relationship with a woman. They bitch and whine, they dirty up your counter with their makeup, they take an hour in the goddamned bathroom, and they cry too much when they don't get their way.

If you're still with your partner in 25 years then I'll believe it.
As a species we are not monogamous.
Apparently it's got some kind of foot brake where the clutch would be. I've never driven one, this is just what was told to me secondhand.

Yea that makes sense, some cars have it "there" too, though its not really where the clutch pedal would go.
I can't really see the make of that truck but it may be a Ford or some International variant that we don't get here in Australia. Regardless, a meduim / heavy rigid like that should have air brakes and a toggle switch or lever to set park.

A cable or hydraulic set up on a truck that size here would be illegal.
Regardless, a meduim / heavy rigid like that should have air brakes and a toggle switch or lever to set park.

It may have - I just remember the big U-HAUL I drove with the pedal on the far left. That was my guess. :shrug: They just had people who had no clue how to drive these trucks take them 50 miles to return them.
It isn't a "special" parking brake. It's "the" parking brake.
Some cars have this to. Mercedes, Ford.
It may have - I just remember the big U-HAUL I drove with the pedal on the far left. That was my guess. :shrug: They just had people who had no clue how to drive these trucks take them 50 miles to return them.

That's the other thing - here you need a specific MR/HR/AV licence to drive a vehicle over a GVM of 4.5 metric tonnes. If it was the same in the US these retards would never be in the drivers seat.

Off topic I think yer tits look fine. Props for having the courage to post pics of them (unlike all the haters that aren't perfect but carry on like they are all that).

Not soliciting favour or anything, I'm just over the kids is all.