strep throat

get antibiotics ASAP, your body needs it
and more importantly, keep drinking water

food? eh, suffer a bit. you have no choice
It's going around at work (teacher's aide), and I was with a kid and teacher yesterday who found out they have it today...I've never had, but I feel like crap and my throat is sore...24-48 hour incubation period, so it's prolly
di$a$terak said:
Mac N Cheese is pretty quick and easy too, and its a little more solid.

I've never seen him eat that shit. His diet almost fully consists of orange juice, tomato soup, french fries and spagetti.

:lol: I should steal all his food one day and watch him go nuts. I know he's reading this, but he'll have no clue when.
I've had strep a few times, fucking sucks. The last time I got it was in basic training. I went three days before I finally realized that I had to go to sick call, yeah, that was a lot of fun.
My only case of strep I ever fought, I didn't realize what it was for two days. And what a miserable-ass two days. I was in orlando on vacation, so god only knows where I caught it from. Ruined half of my trip until I loaded up on antibiotics / tylenol / salt water gargle / chloraseptic / halls / lots of sleep. Penicillin is the common antibiotic for strep, IIRC.

The peak of shittiness occured on the second night when my mouth would not stop producing saliva. In order to avoid drenching my pillow with drool, I had to hang my head off the edge of the bed over a cup to collect my spit. That ranks as one of the worst nights ever.