strangest spam


Veteran X
Subject: PASSWORD REMINDER:Your new password - 53rV thatonly

He sat beside her, looking back, and the light from the lamp circled them like they were actors on a stage-the hulking black man in the prison overall and the small dying white woman. She sat forward and kissed his temple, The base of the assembled engine was put into a form and the molten covering metal poured into it.
Just got this:

Ap Speacial stepped inspired hours future makeing ceo resolve thisi =
gonna peak tanning. Hatefully accuse in idiot Crawl prayerful plowed =
facilities accomodate shifting population base assessed assuming ensures =
steady flow steel forever is comically fumbled.
Ap Speacial stepped inspired hours future makeing ceo resolve thisi =
gonna peak tanning.

Study tune daunting capacity creative uncommonly unhinged schlock yes =
mentality pariah backed corner gotta in back.
May rsd is mumbojumbo demands or affect everyone in tired of belly =
aching respect Speaking. Empowered or agency shop slower am instigate =
disruptive costly March which nine am gone occurred contracts condition.
Funny hang retired director of proposing is teams am Lancaster Lebannon =
league rest want sitting refusing in quite engaging mindless a insulting =
integrity saleries buying of boy try overtime touch.
Etcthey or whoever shutup beat aksed supper or house Haters Rise sky amy =
nonworker nonworker in uh twist recall.
Associate Jake Haulk Insitute stat of freaks at here or of virtually =
beliefs for rocksolid faith?
Attacking is go great job asking of current looking job numbers is Thats =
bodily orafice numbers cost pr of Lawyers necessary it.
can anyone explain to me what purpose that type of spam serves and how it benefits anyone? Doesn't seem like advertising to me. I get these weird story madlib spams all the fucking time. Maybe the spam filtering companies pay spammers to spam that shit.
walrus groin

Nothing has topped that subject line.

can anyone explain to me what purpose that type of spam serves and how it benefits anyone? Doesn't seem like advertising to me. I get these weird story madlib spams all the fucking time. Maybe the spam filtering companies pay spammers to spam that shit.

Some people have speculated that they're trying to screw up the learning/bayesian filters in order to increase the number of false positives they generate.
I wonder if people would buy a spam email if I said I saw the image of the virgin mary in it and hocked it on ebay..