Still a little drunk and feel like shit


Veteran XV
Should i just go make myself puke and then go to sleep.

Have there been serious studies about this. Will I feel better tomorrow if I make myself puke, or if I just try to weather the storm.
that doesnt help much. It will suck either way. I just dont drink much - choose pot as my primary vice). Cant remember if I will feel better tomorrow if I make myseklf puke tonight, or if i am fuckerd either way and should try to keep it down.
that doesnt help much. It will suck either way. I just dont drink much - choose pot as my primary vice). Cant remember if I will feel better tomorrow if I make myseklf puke tonight, or if i am fuckerd either way and should try to keep it down.

usually if i throw up, it's gonna be worse the next day.
The three components to a hangover, as proven by science, are dehydration, temporary withdrawal, and some chemical that is left in your liver that makes you feel bad(it isn't alcohol).

Drink water tonight, a little hair of dog in the morning, and lots of eggs. Eggs have something that cleans the liver of this particular chemical, I forget what, but google it.

That aside, remember the golden rule of drinking. Stop yourself 2 drinks before you know you will likely be sick.
The three components to a hangover, as proven by science, are dehydration, temporary withdrawal, and some chemical that is left in your liver that makes you feel bad(it isn't alcohol).
acetaldehyde, women and asians can't break it down as well (some asians lack the enzyme)
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They don't lack the enzyme, but rather the enzyme is miscoded so it's conformation is slightly different from what it is in people without the defect. They still process acetaldehyde, albeit slower.
They don't lack the enzyme, but rather the enzyme is miscoded so it's conformation is slightly different from what it is in people without the defect. They still process acetaldehyde, albeit slower.
not sure why I was talking about enzymes at 3am, but yes they lack a working/effective one and what you said
Now that I'm older and my stomach is the weakest link in the chain, I always feel better if I puke. I get that toxic sludge which gives me major heartburn now when I drink (getting old sucks). Getting rid of that helps a lot.

If I go to bed with a stomach full of booze the next morning is going to be ugly.

When I was young, water was the most important thing to avoid the hangover.
i try and puke to clear out my stomach so i can eat

if i dont puke the next day i usually cant eat anything until 8 PM

i get terrible hangovers (blessing in disguise i think)