[Steam] 75% of Borderlands

Not sure if anybody posted about it yet, but Borderlands and all the DLC packs are 75% off steam this weekend. I know it has definitely been out for a long long time, but a good opportunity to pick it up for dirt cheap.

I just bought the game and the 4 DLC packs for something like $12.50
yeah it was 7.25 for goty (all dlc's)

decent game, but its a console port that they didnt even try to make better on the pc
Bought this earlier.

Why is it that this is so popular and Hellgate: London flopped? (I only played Hellgate once at a LAN and it seemed alright)
Awful game.

I wish I would have known that they chose to use fucking GameSpy instead of SteamWorks before I bought it at full price.
Bought this earlier.

Why is it that this is so popular and Hellgate: London flopped? (I only played Hellgate once at a LAN and it seemed alright)

Because this one is an okay game, doesn't break any new ground, ultimately isn't too difficult, but it is somehow a lot of fun.

Hellgate was awful, poorly engineered, had an incomprehensible build system, and failed on absolutely every possible front.
Great game. Kept me and a few others here busy for a couple months. Could have done without Gamespy though.