Statement the president made yesterday on the topic of Syria.

So how exactly will we "fight" Syria without putting boots on the ground? Constant drone strikes using satellite surveillance to determine threat?
So how exactly will we "fight" Syria without putting boots on the ground? Constant drone strikes using satellite surveillance to determine threat?

Obama is wanting to use the same strategy Clinton used in Kosovo. Bomb the fuel dumps and airport runways, take out command and control units. Support the rebels. (which are Al Qaeda in this case)

the best quote came from Russia who said, if Syria is attacked, Saudi Arabia will be destroyed.

i mean, thats the real deal, hollyfield.
look ... dont disregard the Club of Romes 10 Nation State solution to rule man.


look at the map. look at who's been getting their asses kicked.

history doesnt happen on accident. it happens for a reason.