Start Trek Trailer

as much as i love all things star trek...i have a feeling this is going to suck

no jeri ryan? fail

no patrick stewart? fail
I'm a huge TNG fan, and yes I don't like sex in my star trek either (why I disliked Enterprise), but I'm excited.
That guy from heroes was a great pick to play spock

otherwise the movie looks exceptionally dumb and I think Abrams said he's just trying to make an entertaining movie, not necessarily something that fits well into the star trek universe
Spock seems to be acting more like a Romulan than a Vulcan, thought it's probably just one fight shown a few times.
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It looks funny with the 60's uniform set in front of a 21(4th)rst century background....

Spock is the only character that gave me a flashback to Classic Star Trek. The rest of it had me wondering if it was actually Star Trek I was seeing...

[EDIT] and anybody who is surprised with sex in their star trek obviously hasn't watched James T. Kirk in action.
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