[Starcraft 2] TSL3 Ro8 Day 2

its too bad gom started charging I saw recently, I enjoyed watching those tournaments.

IGN has a tournament going now, and since I dont play sc or have any desire to for that matter, it seems very entertaining as its the first sc2 stuff ive seen.
its too bad gom started charging I saw recently, I enjoyed watching those tournaments.

IGN has a tournament going now, and since I dont play sc or have any desire to for that matter, it seems very entertaining as its the first sc2 stuff ive seen.

I was really surprised at the high quality of the IPL production, even more so coming from IGN.
Artosis is a great caster. I hope DJWheat lets him take the wheel and drive...

oh and the MC vs Thorzain series was fucking amazing.
GSL is free for me. At least the VODs are, I never care to schedule around live events anyway lol.
wait so are the Koreans not head and shoulders better than everyone else at sc2?

Seems lots of non Koreans in these deals.
The low quality stream is free for the GSL, and only the first match of the series is free for VODs. The HQ and VODs from the WC were free because of the Japan relief fund.
I'd say that by and large the Koreans are better than the foreigners, but the skill gap is nowhere near what it was in SC:BW.

The best foreigners are very similar in skill level with the best Koreans but there are a lot more really good Koreans than foreigners.
Artosis is by far the best analytical SC2 caster, and djWHEAT is always entertaining.

Great games too, even tho BoxeR got 3-0'd. Loved it :)