Stan Bush and Lincon PArk redo "You've got the touch"

the white guy "rapping" almost makes me think this is a comedy skit but its noooottt...

still stan bush can sing, give em that
I'm not the guy who always gets worked up and says "they just raped my childhood"

but they just raped my childhood
I apologize. I read some comments that said it was Linkin Park, but they were incorrect. Still doesn't change the fact it fucking blows.
I was hopeful reading the first post that it WAS Linkin Park and that Michael Bay decided to add Stan Bush's song to the new Transformers movie if he let LP redo it. I am now sadly dissapointed, I wonder if Stan thought by doing this Michael Bay would give him the time of day lol.

Poor Stan, they should have used his new song for the end credits of Transformers instead of Linkin Park's song. [Not the Touch, a different song called "Till all are won".

BTW, I've seen Stan Bush play live, and the band that was playing with him played my wedding reception haha. I saw him at Botcon when Transformers first came out.
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OK after watching that video...


Seriously, I'd rather listen to Mark Wahlburg's version over and over again for eternity than watch that one more time.

I'm now embarrassed that I've taken my picture with that man.