Soo.. I'm going to TRY and raise a Praying Mantis (with pics and updates)


Veteran XV
Veteran XX

So I've always loved nature every since I was kid. I've had my fair share of pets, even did the sea monkeys.

Even now that I am older, I am still fascinated with these kits where you can watch ants, frogs, butterflies..... A few years ago i purchased an ant farm and raised butterflies (which my cat got to and killed all but one)

I love I visit the site regularly. kids.woot had a kit where you hatch and keep praying mantises. However, you really need to read about them in order for one or two to grow full size

I bought 2 kits. (10$ each at the time) Of course you need to send in for the egg sack for 3 bucks. Each sack will hatch 100-200 babies which you must realise ASAP and only keep a few because they are not social and will eat each other. I also want to hatch them and see how many "stick around" which would be cool to see in the "wild" However, It will take several weeks for the egg sack to hatch once I get it. It will be a long process. I will take pics and keep ya updated.

I am excited to see if I can successfully raise one. They live only 9 months though and die after they breed.

This is a kit similar to what I got

Interesting. I had one as a pet when I was a kid. It landed on our car when we were walking to it from Showbiz Pizza(now Chucky Cheese). Dad let me bring it home and I kept it for a couple weeks. Was not sure if it was feeding on the insects I was giving it so I let him go. Bastard didn't even say good bye. Flew away as soon as I got him outside and never saw him again. I hope he ended up on some cars windshield. Ungrateful bastard.
i caught an adult one summer as a child and tied a string around its neck and then around my bed post...he ate the bugs that came in at night while i was reading. he escaped after about two months, or the cat finally ate him after ignoring him for so long, but i like to think that he was as fond of me as i was of him