Sony USA CEO says HD War in Stalemate

I got my HD-DVD, so the wars over for me. I might of bought a Blu-Ray if it had hit $100 first. They both do the same thing, but one is $200 more than the other.

Sony has said lots of stuff the last few years and it's all turned out to be bullshit. I mean even Panasonic bailed on Sony, they see what's going on. "However, Stringer said that he believed it was mainly a matter of prestige, and that it would ultimately not matter which format won out in the end". - That statement is almost admitting defeat.

NPD is no longer publishing hardware numbers because Sony doesn't want people to see theirs.

Not much of a stalemate, I don't expect to see HD-DVDs in stores much past summer of next year.

Not much of a stalemate, I don't expect to see HD-DVDs in stores much past summer of next year.
The president of sony says its going to be at least a stalemate, and you don't expect to see HD-DVD in stores soon? Now THAT is some fanboy loyalty.
The president of any company will almost always lie about a situation, sugarcoating their results. By saying stalemate, it likely means that the balance has tipped out of their favor.