Son of a bitch anxiety attacks are fucking fun.

I had one yesterday at about 1am lasted about 30mins. It sucked. I don't have them that often though. Nothing really works except trying to take your mind off it.
I've never understood this anxiety attack bullshit. Hell I've been in all kinds of stressful situations. Didn't make me act like a woman and whine about being stressed.

Some people are biologically more susceptible to anxiety. A lot of people say "man up" or "stop being a bitch", those people are ignorant. It's incredible hard to control anxiety attacks, you would need to change the chemical reactions in your brain.. can you do that?

The best step is to take medication that will keep the attacks from getting out of control and then slowly over time you can learn what triggers these attacks and how to manage or prevent them from starting.

A few other home remedies you can do that will naturally help fight against anxiety is working out, eating a more balanced diet, and getting plenty of sleep. I've found that working out helps a lot, because for one it takes your mind off stressful things, and two it induces chemicals in your brain that help your relax and feel good.
you might not be able to do anything about the anxiety attack, but you sure as shit can get off the internet and study for the test if you're really worried about it
I've never understood this anxiety attack bullshit. Hell I've been in all kinds of stressful situations. Didn't make me act like a woman and whine about being stressed.

I never had issues with stressful situations my entire life, but then suddenly had issues last spring. I had been studying for a big exam for like 6 months and the worrying about the possibility of not passing was messing me up psychologically and causing physical pains (head aches, body aches, etc.). They weren't "normal" pains (I never could have guessed they came from stress at first) and they didn't really seem to go away which caused me to wonder if there was a deeper problem. If you get stuck thinking about the possibility of some random hidden disease you can really fuck yourself up since it's clearly very difficult to contradict (unless you plan on getting tested for a million things at the doctor). Even if you think you've realized it's not actually a problem it can be hard to get yourself to subconsciously accept it. I never took medicine and have finally been able to make most of the weird shit go away (sometimes is returns and I just ignore it mostly), but I guess if nothing else I've learned that your psychology is really important and fuck up even the healthiest/seemingly well-balanced people (at least I'd describe myself that way).

That may have been more info than you cared for...
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anxiety attacks are just like add\adhd

sure, it's a real condition. A chemical reaction in the brain. That's what everything we think and feel is... it's just that years ago before we got all pc and trophies for everybody we called people pussies and idiots instead of 'suffering from anxiety' and adhd.

Call it what you want, doesn't change what it is.
Audie Murphy never bitched about anxiety attacks

John Motherfucking Wayne didn't bitch about stress

edit: thanks for the spellcheck
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I've never understood this anxiety attack bullshit. Hell I've been in all kinds of stressful situations. Didn't make me act like a woman and whine about being stressed.

Same here, but I can understand how it would affect others
i had an anxiety attack once in my life, it was pretty shitty

but now im a functioning alcoholic so its all better
I still get them at the age of 25. Its a surreal and frightening experience when you don't know what is happening. After awhile you just learn to mentally calm yourself down and how to avoid them. As stupid as it sounds, be analytical of your situation and realize that stressing over the test will not get you anywhere. Re-write your notes over and over until it is drilled in your head and you will do fine on the test. Also, make sure you get ample amount of sleep in order to allow your brain to process the information. Don't attempt to cram right before the exam because you will end up forgetting a lot of the material. These simple pointers got me through all my physio and science courses.
Some people are biologically more susceptible to anxiety. A lot of people say "man up" or "stop being a bitch", those people are ignorant. It's incredible hard to control anxiety attacks, you would need to change the chemical reactions in your brain.. can you do that?

The best step is to take medication that will keep the attacks from getting out of control and then slowly over time you can learn what triggers these attacks and how to manage or prevent them from starting.

A few other home remedies you can do that will naturally help fight against anxiety is working out, eating a more balanced diet, and getting plenty of sleep. I've found that working out helps a lot, because for one it takes your mind off stressful things, and two it induces chemicals in your brain that help your relax and feel good.

I get panic attacks and anxiety attacks sometimes. I just take deep breaths and try my best to calm down. I can usually get them to go away pretty quickly. But you're also right. A good diet and exercise helps a ton.