Some Ascension screenshots

Rev_Night said:
why? it made the sensor actually a strategic part. did anyone here in t1/t2 care when their sensor went down? aside from longer range on turrets (which were a joke) it did nothing.
i whore the sensor all the time in t2c
Amadeus said:
I rest my case. Ignorance in a can.

Again, if you want top of the line software, you need top of the line hardware.

I had a P3 with a Geforce Ultra back then on the rig I use to play T2 on and hardly ever crashed. I could probably count the amount of crashes I ever had in T2 on one hand.

You're a financially challenged retard.
Zio said:
Again, if you want top of the line software, you need top of the line hardware.
Yes, because games are designed to work only on the top 5% of gamer machines. :rolleyes: Where'd you learn that, your toilet cleaning job at Sierra? :rofl:

It's okay, I'm really happy for you that you didn't get any problems (actually that's a lie, I don't give a flying fuck either way). But the overwhelming majority of people had problems with those games, and that makes them shitty games by definition. There's no need to lash out at everyone who mentions it, gag reflexes valiantly ignored. It will just make you look like a giant douche. As evidenced by this thread, and many more before that. One would think that you'd learn by now.
wow zio, you honestly belive that t2 never had any problems? christ, how retarded are you. i had 'top of the line' hardware too with my geforce 2 ultra, and it crashed nonstop. it crashed on my v5 5500 as well.

and its the asine thinking of "you want high details, you must have high end machine, if not stfu' is why alot of todays game engines sucks. They are all made by dumbass coders whose only idea of performance is not better code, but better machines. F.E.A.R was an example of this, where it's a pretty engine but runs like crap. HL2 is looks even better, and runs smooth as silk on all systems.
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Amadeus said:
T2 worked fine from the day of release.
Yes it most certinally did. The only problem I have ever had with T2 is the recent patch system not working, and not being able to change my alias without calling support.
All games crash. And my experience is that T2 crashed less than many others. Old dialup conections commonly killed games.
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I had to help at least a dozen people in my tribe get T2 running, and there were probably 5 more where we tried all kinds of stuff and still couldn't get it going. Just because it worked ok for you and mostly ok for me does not mean it ran fine out of the box for a reasonable percentage of buyers.
Rev_Night said:
:rofl: at the sheer stupidity of zio and his buttbuddy kachu. yes, t2 ran just fine and had no hiccups at all :rofl:

You are a fucking idiot. I never said T2 worked perfectly for everyone. I did say you need good and upgraded hardware to play any current game that pushes the hardware limitations. That was the case with T2 and many cutting edge games.


You idiots are under some understanding that developers need to make their games to work on every machine and every OS known to man. That's impossible!!!

I'm surprised I haven't heard you fuck heads complain how T2 crashed when you tried to get it to install on your cellphone. :lol:
Do you see how everybody disagree's with everything you say? Everybody hates you, just fucking kill yourself. It's like you gotta disagree with everything. JUST FUCKING SHUT YOUR FUCKING PRICK MOUTH UP!
Zio said:

Rev_Night said:
i had 'top of the line' hardware too with my geforce 2 ultra, and it crashed nonstop. it crashed on my v5 5500 as well.

back then, the gf2 ultra and a pentium 800 was fucking extreme highend. and it still crashed non-stop.

so stfu, please thanks.
All these arguments are subjective. T2 had its problems, TV has its problems. I think we can all agree on one thing. We all love Tribes, and we all have serious issues with the way the franchise has been handled from T2 to TV. It's sad and it seriously sucks. We need Tribes to be devoid of Vivendi Universal.

I really hope Garage Games makes Legions a bigger project objective than just a demo, but understandably their business model isnt really to make games. I just dont think anyone else could do it correctly unless the dev team was made up of T1 and T2 fanatics. Look at how Splash Damage is handling ET Quake Wars. Yes they delayed it, but they did it because they want to focus a lot on the mulitplayer aspect of the game and balancing. The other great thing about Splash Damage is that they started out as MOD makers and competetion players for Quake and now moved into a role for a full scale game. We need this type of group working on a polished Tribes game, with proper funding of course. Personally I always think of GG reltionship with Microsoft. What bigger pockets to have than MS funding Legions for the PC and XBOX 360.
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KnightMare said:
what the fuck, the last thing tribes needs is MS involved.

well....MS is not a bad game company, all things considered. As per other large companies.....would you prefer EA?
Zio said:
T2 didn't crash for me once on my gf2 and 350 MHz CPU. I'm not complaining, I'm stating unbiased facts, which is more than you're capable of.

By the way, I do get occasional crashes now on my current A64 system.
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Rev_Night said:
why? it made the sensor actually a strategic part. did anyone here in t1/t2 care when their sensor went down? aside from longer range on turrets (which were a joke) it did nothing.
I think comments like that explain why you're terrible at T2.