Soda vs pop vs Coke

i live in san antonio, TX, and i probably hear "soda" and "coke" about equally.

if someone asked for a "pop" they'd get punched in the face :D
If i want Apple juice would the convo go like this wretched:

Skib: Wretched get me an Orange Juice
Wretch: what type
Skib: Apple
Skibbi9 said:
If i want Apple juice would the convo go like this wretched:

Skib: Wretched get me an Orange Juice
Wretch: what type
Skib: Apple

It'd be more like this:

Skib: Wretched get me an Orange Juice
Wretch: Get your own damn oj, bitch.

But that's beside the point. Orange juice and apple juice are ALWAYS referred to by their respective names. Based on what has been said in this thread, and the dots on that chart, soda is not.
mcdoinalds: what kind ofdrink would you like?

dunno bout you guys, but drink is used more often here. that and soda, but not that much.
pop is like a 70's word... lol "do you want some pop?" "i'm gonna go get some pop for you guys"

its fuckin soda! SOH_DAH! only communists call it pop.

"Comrade, Do you want some pop?"

addition to the brand names list: roller blades
Tribalbob said:
pop is like a 70's word... lol "do you want some pop?" "i'm gonna go get some pop for you guys"

Funny when I think of soda I think about how soda is like a word from the 50's when people still went to soda stands
I hear all three quite frequently, which would indicate that none of them are old or out-dated.

By the way, what do you East Coast guys call sprinkles (ice cream topping)?
sprinkles are sprinkles.

Boston retards call them jimmies, but we east coasters make fun of them for it.
jotun said:
i live in san antonio, TX, and i probably hear "soda" and "coke" about equally.

if someone asked for a "pop" they'd get punched in the face :D
i'm from SA too and if you say 'pop' pretty much anywhere in Texas, you're gonna get laughed at.