[(#)SOCCER] 2007-2008 Season Thread Part II

I was going to suggest looking to see if there was a local supporters group you could catch on with - but since I don't see any posts in the usldiscussions forum, it's probably not very likely.

Silverbacks group is small, but we drink enough for a group three times our size. Where else can you go 3 hours early to tailgate for a USL match and watch the suckers driving home on a commute slower than molasses? :cool:

im sure it'd be fun but i wont be able to catch a game until june. im going with one of my buddies from the UK (huge liverpool fan) who is very critical of american style soccer so it'll be interesting to get his take on it as well
he's back!
since I'm partly drunk, it's time to start a discussion about what songs you associate with for whatever reason

In my life always brings back memories of the emotions from istanbul thanks to

i think tevez is almost guaranteed to score today

7 hours till the start of the end of a great(est) season

also i found an imba formation in fm08