SO what's gonna happen if the cop that killed George Floyd get off?

yeah the riots arent about any particular social issue. it's degenerate loser chimps doing chimp things. including antifa. they are thieves, not activists.

i have no idea how insulated rich white people are but...there are criminals in the world.
they've wheeled out one of floyd's old girlfriends.....a white woman!

and what a surprise she was an opiate addict too
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yes, someone should sue the media for inducing violence and riots... :D

Media is driving division for profits, should definitely be illegal.
It's a Jewish agenda, but also makes the same Jews money. Even if it didn't make them money, they'd still push the angle. It's in their genes.
they've wheeled out one of floyd's old girlfriends.....a white woman!

and what a surprise she was an opiate addict too

maybe they can find the woman he robbed a few years back... she was pregnant, he pointed a gun at her stomach

that saint
I'm uncertain if a white male in America can fully understand how stacked the police is against minorities. If Lisa (white female) had not posted her story to social media and had not threatened to sue the commonwealth of Pennsylvania into the stone age I would be a felon and in prison right now. It was only her threatening to expose them that caused the DA to back down.

I don't think most of you understand what a privilege it is to be pulled over, and just casually dig out your license, not fearing for yourself. The last speeding ticket I got was between Wasilla and Palmer, and the trooper called backup, had me spread over the hood, and searched my Legacy with no consent. I got a warning.

I agree to a certain extent. However, where I am from, there aren't many minorities and it is mostly poor white people. They get treated the same as many people claiming racism. I remember being pulled over for not applying my turn signal before I started the turn. I was a kid in a beat up car with the wrong county plates on. I was spread against a cop car and searched. I was detained for about 20 minutes and let go. Driving back from Florida I was stopped with my very pregnant wife and was told I had the wrong county plates on again and they said they knew I was smuggling drugs and wanted to search the car. My previous experience with declining a search had been terrible and I had been detained for almost 4 hours beside the road to wait on a canine so this time I consented and the officer looked through everything we had. My bags and my boxer shorts, my wife's pregnancy clothing, and he even dumped out her pills to make sure they were all the same in each pill bottle (they were prenatal vitamins). Obviously I didn't try to resist having my person searched because I didn't want to be shot on the side of the road.

Now having told that story, I fully believe in some areas racist cops exist and the persecute the minority. I live in Memphis Tennessee now, racism is a whole different game here. When we moved, we talked to a black realtor who blatantly told us where white people belonged here, which was out of the downtown areas. She was friendly and just giving advice to us which we took. The violent crime here is something like 97% black on black crime so I also understand the average cop on the street is probably going to be nervous when dealing with altercations involving younger black guys here.

Even with all that though, the cop used force that was beyond what was needed. Having another first responder asking him to let them apply first aid and being denied looks pretty damn bad in that aspect. The prosecution isn't doing themselves any favors though.
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I spent a weekend in redneckville alabama jail for 20$ worth of weed that the cop tried say was spice. Misdemeanor vs felony. He was shocked as shit when I dropped $5k retainer on a lawyer. Cop wound up resigning.

Fuck cops