so what is good Indian food?


Veteran XV
I'm going to an Indian food resturaunt for the first time ever, tomorrow. And I have no idea what's good.
Just ask for the specials, or smile nicely at the waiter/waitress and ask them for thier recommendation. I have always had good luck when dining out by taking thier suggestions.

Special Note: Do NOT eat the cute little peppers.
we have like 30 indian students at my college, they put on an "indian dinner" for like $3 a ticket, to raise money for their cricket club.

it was good.
i don't know what i ate...
but it was good.
Dopiaza, vindaloo, and Rogan Josh are pretty good. Get some biryani and naan to go with it. And for desert, this is important, get kheer.
Spicy lamb vindaloo with chicken tikka and samosas covered in cocanut chutney

omfg, I must eat indian tonight.
Tandori Chicken and Naan are both excellent.

Dessert there is rice pudding mmmm.

Anyway, the thig about Indian food, is tht throughout the country, you could travel every 50 miles in one direction and the style of food is different. It is difficult to say for sure what there will be for you to eat.

Some of it is frighteningly hot so be careful.
My wife is Pakistani (kinda indian) and she and her mother cooks authentic indian food...its horrible IMO...I hate it when they cook it cause it smells and she makes hers so fucking spicing that I can feel the gritty curry spice when I chew like sand almost.

the only thing I can eat is the lamb samosas, a beef curry dish they make just for me, and nan (which is just pita bread)

Tandory Chicken is good...
Tandoori chicken, garlic naan, and especially butter chicken. Mmmmm... Butter chicken... :hungry:
I remember trying Indian food about 10 years ago and not liking it at all. I love Thai food (which is also very least the stuff I get is). I guess I should give Indian food a try again.