[So] This game sucks.

Yeah ! You tell em happy, he probably just doesn't like it because he doesn't have a 2k rating. fuckin scrub, this isn't mario tennis.
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No xbox for me. We both know consoles are inferior.

I don't see how having a high rating would make the game better? Besides, I don't believe priests would excel in the arena.

My biggest gripe is that the game is repetitive, slow, and outstandingly boring. Quests involve either (a) Murlocs, (b) collecting X items from dead Murlocs, or (c) running long distances to get to the next region infested with Murlocs.

In conclusion, I find it laughable that Blizzard continues to make ridiculous amounts of money from such a mediocre game.
No xbox for me. We both know consoles are inferior.

I don't see how having a high rating would make the game better? Besides, I don't believe priests would excel in the arena.

My biggest gripe is that the game is repetitive, slow, and outstandingly boring. Quests involve either (a) Murlocs, (b) collecting X items from dead Murlocs, or (c) running long distances to get to the next region infested with Murlocs.

In conclusion, I find it laughable that Blizzard continues to make ridiculous amounts of money from such a mediocre game.
I was actually being sarcastic about the high rating, that's just something HapPy would say.

I'm not a huge fan of WoW myself but not because of the leveling or anything you said.

It's a very mediocre game but pretty much everything else is less than mediocre atm. It's the corporate rock of MMO's.
You must have a very poor attention span...

A normal person can get to the levels you mentioned in mere days of playing casually... and I mean actual days not /played days.

You rolled the wrong classes for someone with a monkey-level IQ and ADD cocktail. You should have gone for rogue, hunter or warrior. All 3 are very simple classes and remain so pretty much up to 70.

You're complaining about leveling in an MMO. Don't complain. As far as MMOs go WoW is ez-mode. If you can't do it in WoW then run, don't walk away from any game requiring a monthly fee.

This isn't immediately clear but you should have rolled on servers where people you know also play.
No xbox for me. We both know consoles are inferior.

I don't see how having a high rating would make the game better? Besides, I don't believe priests would excel in the arena.

My biggest gripe is that the game is repetitive, slow, and outstandingly boring. Quests involve either (a) Murlocs, (b) collecting X items from dead Murlocs, or (c) running long distances to get to the next region infested with Murlocs.

In conclusion, I find it laughable that Blizzard continues to make ridiculous amounts of money from such a mediocre game.

agreed, im amazed people enjoy questing. im leveling again with a bud and we make it fun for ourselves with limited questing and only in pvp areas, otherwise runnining instances. lots of bgs in between.
I was actually being sarcastic about the high rating, that's just something HapPy would say.

I'm not a huge fan of WoW myself but not because of the leveling or anything you said.

It's a very mediocre game but pretty much everything else is less than mediocre atm. It's the corporate rock of MMO's.

you're right, i would say that :)
you have to find the fun in wow... i know you shouldnt HAVE to, its a poorly designed game in that sense. but oh well, i did.... it pretty much revolved rolling on the best pvp server that isnt full of retards. i also prioritize pvp over pve. wow pvp may not be for everyone, especially the folks who want world pvp city raids, seiges, etc. its more small scale fps style which is counter to the mmo mantra, but oh well... its fun :D
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