[So] LOL AC is l33t PVP


BP's Pimpx
Veteran XV
AngryCanuk > we have pirates who really like the vaga
AngryCanuk > and cloaks on said vagas
AngryCanuk > its really a bitch
AngryCanuk > im making a nano myrm :P
AngryCanuk > 4.1km/s
Curses > gay
AngryCanuk > might be able to catch afew off guard and web em
Curses > make it go faster
AngryCanuk > I actually might need it to go slower to fit the second medium rep
AngryCanuk > I had to fit a 100mn MWD on it :P
Curses > hmm
Curses > ok
AngryCanuk > so im good in a straight line
AngryCanuk > shitty at cornering :P
Drunken Cajun > AC are you just normally this retarded or do you just play that way on the interweb?
Drunken Cajun > wtf are you using 100mn on a myrm?
AngryCanuk > we have a big problem with vagas in our area
AngryCanuk > any of our tacklers that can catch them get blown away
Curses > wont be able to catch vagas with a myrm
Curses > goin 4.1km/s
Drunken Cajun > even with a 100mn
AngryCanuk > Well
Drunken Cajun > you dumbass
AngryCanuk > i know they got 6.2km/s
AngryCanuk > However
Drunken Cajun > i think i can feel myself losing IQ points when you type something
AngryCanuk > if they are slow to react, which they are, i might be abe to get to them fast enough
AngryCanuk > How do you catch a vaga?

Cliffs: Angry wants to put 100mn MWD on a myrmidon to try to catch Vagas
... you know ... I honestly don't know what the heck happens if you put a 100x module on a ship designed for a 10x.

I've never been dense enough to try. He might just be on to something here!

Honestly though, having flown and died in a few Vagabonds, it's not getting webbed that's the bitch... it's getting NOS'd. If they don't have a cap. injector, a Vagabond is no better then a Stabber if you get get his cap. down. I'd suggest a NOS-fit Dominix to neutralize them.
Used to surprise them with nanophoons, but after the nano-bs nerf (rip), typically just relied on Huginn's (or rapier) and a small gang with some kind of heavy tackler or dictor.

nosdom's are alright, but most vaga's will just disengage and warp off.
100MN mods on 10MN ships just means you consume way too much cap and accelerate fast. It'll still cap you at the listed speed boost.

Waste of time and effort.
Oh hey another solo raven kill wtf
This guy even used bane torps :o
FFS how the hell do you kill a Vagabond solo in a Raven with bane torpedoes. The only explanation I have is that the Vagabond was afk or lagged out while inside a bubble.

Edit : looking around some more, it's clear the Goonswarm killboard might not be the ideal place for finding examples of high quality combat.

THIS is how you kill a Vagabond. *grin*
or more practically, in a Megathron
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Other explanation for Raven killing the Vaga. The Vaga pilot is a complete fucking retard and has no business flying one but since they're relatively cheap on the market he probably said "wtf why not".

The only over sized modules I've found that work well on smaller ships are shield boosters. XL boosters on Battleships and large boosters on cruiers\hacs\etc. Well worth it imho.

As for killing a competant Vaga pilot you need to web him, plain and simple. A Huginn paired off with something like an Arazu is enough to make most Vaga pilots say "fuck that". There isn't much, tbh, that I worry about when I'm in mine other than the occasional ceptor pilot that is brave enough to drop a web on me while he has friends in local. Most of the time he vaporizes before his friends show up.
rofl. Way to not use drones on your drone ship ac.

Actually I was planning on carrying drones fucktard :P, Also i tested this tonight and it does get you going pretty fast, however ccp must have put a fail safe into ideas like this because the acceleration time is really fucking long. Like 4+mins. Id have to go through 8-10 cycles until the 100mn pushes me upto the 4km/s. Its odd but even with nanos it didnt seem to speed up the acceleration at all.

Seems the only way to catch vaga is to get a huginn :\ or another vaga
FFS how the hell do you kill a Vagabond solo in a Raven with bane torpedoes. The only explanation I have is that the Vagabond was afk or lagged out while inside a bubble.

Edit : looking around some more, it's clear the Goonswarm killboard might not be the ideal place for finding examples of high quality combat.

THIS is how you kill a Vagabond. *grin*
or more practically, in a Megathron

Actually the guy says he was desync'd at a gate is why the raven killed it with bane torps and well tyc is good for ganking haulers, that hans guy being one of the worst vaga pilots I've ever seen.

Can a blasterthron even hit out to 20km+
Actually I was planning on carrying drones fucktard :P, Also i tested this tonight and it does get you going pretty fast, however ccp must have put a fail safe into ideas like this because the acceleration time is really fucking long. Like 4+mins. Id have to go through 8-10 cycles until the 100mn pushes me upto the 4km/s. Its odd but even with nanos it didnt seem to speed up the acceleration at all.

Seems the only way to catch vaga is to get a huginn :\ or another vaga
Activating ABs/MWDs adds mass to the ship. In the case of 100mn MWDs, you're basically adding half the mass of a BS to that myrm. You're not going to be able to counter that with nanos, not by a long shot.