So....just finished watching Homeland.


Veteran XV
Yes I know i'm a bit behind the curve. Excellent drama series though albeit a bit anti-Islam propaganda-ish. Suppose it had to be tailored for American audiences. Ending was a bit meh.

Incoming Allahu Snackbar. Because that shit is original and funny.
when isis takes over dubai ur wife will get raped by sand niggers as your childs head is smashed against a rock and you are castrated
the dude that made that show (along with the israeli original) has made a new show that just started called Tyrant, based on Bashar Hafez al-Assad's (syrian president) life - it's interesting.
it was good but due to the next-level "golden era" type shows circulating the past few years, homeland doesn't really stand out
it was good but due to the next-level "golden era" type shows circulating the past few years, homeland doesn't really stand out

Such as? I need something to watch next. I did Prison Break, excellent. Binned Breaking Bad after 1.5 series, couldn't get into it.
the dude that made that show (along with the israeli original) has made a new show that just started called Tyrant, based on Bashar Hafez al-Assad's (syrian president) life - it's interesting.

Tyrant is freakin awesome so far, i love it.

Homeland, 3rd season or whatever this last season was, was fucking AWFUL. Hopefully the series is over now.