[So] I went from the interviewee to the....

I have always used this one.

Say you are running register one. Someone you know, but do not associate with often, comes in, says hi and takes a candy bar. Then proceeds to walk out the front door without paying. What do you do?

100% of the time people say tell the boss.

Next question: Same situation, but it is your significant other or a loved one. What would you do?

I would say about 85% of people say they would still tell their boss. Which tells me they have the ability to lie to my face.

The other 15% will say something along the lines of: I would let them walk out the door, pay the money, then confront them and ask them why they did it after my shift.

The second response shows honesty and the ability to think critical.
I have also asked.

How do major candy companies make M&M's?

How do they make man holes?

What is an acceptable amount of tardies in a years time?
situational/behavioral questions are far better than "getting to know you" questions

"you have an employee asking for your help an angry customer and an employee who just hurt himself. how do you handle it?"

"tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision as the leader of a team or group"

"you have an employee asking for your help an angry customer and an employee who just hurt himself. how do you handle it?"

This is a good one.

As it demands the person to show their priority skills and how to handle stressful situations.

Safety is a huge push in our company right now.

I think I'm going to use that one.
honestly, in the interviews ive participated in, the difference maker sometimes comes down to the questions candidates ask

intelligent and thoughtful questions posed back to the interviewer will never hurt your chances
OneManArmy is in retail management and he's somewhat illiterate. What an exciting combination!