[SO] I scratched the side of my car while turning out of a parking lot

I just got off work (2am). As I turned around one of those concrete beams in a parking lot, I thought I had enough space to go around as I looked in my side mirror, but because I was so tired I totally forgot the area around my wheels stuck out a little further than that and I scratched it. Any Idea how much it would cost to fix it? its not that deep, maybe took off 1-2 millimeter max. I drive a 2009 Corolla S.

That is where its at...

Will post real picture in the morning.
eh? thats not even the picture of my car... that was the first picture that popped up on google.

There's a FMIC on the car in that pic. Either Toyota are making a comeback into forced induction on mainstream models or that is the most gay rice pic ever.