[so] Have any of you ever vaporized alcohol?


Veteran X
I just saw it on the local news. They were advertising .. I mean, reporting on -how to get wasted on a budget. Apparently, you don't need dry ice or one of those thousand dollar machines. A bike pump and a cork will do.

Anyone ever try this?
So far it's pretty awesome. Good drunk high feeling without the dizziness or nausea (no liver involvement, no acetylaldehyde, etc,) Actually really similar to smoking pot or taking a small 25-50mg dose of MDMA. Dunno. Had like 1/10 of a shot at most.

Cork keeps slipping out before a good psi is reached though, might need a better appliance. Maybe buy a threaded socket for the pump and a one-way valve.
So how many times can you 'smoke' one beer or other beverage?
I would imagine you can't inhale all the alcohol content in one puff.
his is pretty dangerous.I feel perfectly fine but I'm really clumsy and running into things

seems like a lot of work just to get drunk. maybe im not getting a good enough seal and high enough pressure.
also to anser your question i drank the liquid that was left after and it was basically vodka flavored water. i guess the alcohol vaporizes but leaves water behiond. I have to go to work in 7 hours so thats enough for now.

edit: I've had maybe like 10 puffs, like one and ah fl shots. lots of fucking effort compared to drnking it but it feels different for sure
fuck just tried pouyring a shot into a finlandia cap and spilled shit all over myself. IOlkay I'm done.
its really not any work at all

just get a bottle of wine and use that cork(and smoke it)

get a bike pump

wrap the cork in electrical tape and poke a hole

its really not any work at all

just get a bottle of wine and use that cork(and smoke it)

get a bike pump

wrap the cork in electrical tape and poke a hole


Or just pop the cork and pour in glass while I saunter off looking classy.