[So] Global Warming is not Man Made maybe?

It makes me laugh that people like Code4 are so against global warming only because rich conservatives could lose money at the start if their corporations have to change their ways. In the long run they would become more profitable and better for the environment and for humanity in general. I don't know why this is such a zero sum game, it's like all those businesses fighting to allow smoking. They have banned it Most provinces if not all in Canada and business hasn't suffered, if anything it's done better because there are more people who don't smoke than smoke and those people don't like being around smokers.
Initially I glossed over the 'documentary' when I saw it but now I think I will watch it. I'm in the mood for some genuine sugar coated bullshit. a.b.conspiracy ftw!
Which part of what you quoted was wrong? Does the chart not show just 120 years? Doesn't mine show 400,000 years? Did you forget how to read charts, as well?

The CO2 increases a few hundred years after the temperature has increased. As said, watch the movie.
Did you fail 4th grade math class? CO2 increases clearly precede temperature increases in that graph. I hate to point this out, but you, sir, are an idiot.
You are completely ignorant. On a properly zoomed in graph or antartic ice cores, the temperature precedes the CO2 changes by an average of 600 years. GET A FUCKING CLUE, AS EVEN THE PRO-ALAMIST SCIENTISTS AND BLOGS ACKNOWLEDGE THIS!!!

As for your solar wind chart, it shows not even 150 years of records, and it suspiciously stops 20 years ago (hmm, wonder why?) My chart shows CO2/temperature for the last 400,000 years. The republicans are the ones who are supposed to be saying "short periods of time don't matter," yet there you go.

What it does show is a very high degree of correlation, with an almost immediate effect. This implies causation. The CO2 and Temp data from ice cores also show a strong correlation, but since temperature predates CO2, it implies that temperature differences alter the CO2 balance, not the other way around.

The CO2 increases a few hundred years after the temperature has increased. As said, watch the movie.

wtf are you talking about CO2 goes up before the temperature does.
No it doesnt really the CO2 was purposely put on top to fool you, the peaks of the temp graph are barely at the beginnings of the CO2 risings

the true reality is that this generation is just looking for something to believe in, and with no huge injustices in the world we make things up to entertain ourselves, sell tickets, and win oscars
wtf are you talking about CO2 goes up before the temperature does.
In actuality, it's the other way around. Give up the world of your little graph and look into the facts yourself ... I know it's a stretch to not just come here and regurgitate what is fed to you, but try ... try hard.
We are due for an ice age and a catastrophic extinction event, humanity just might be saving the entire earth from a cataclysmic death orgy. You never can say for sure.
The people saying that it's not man-made need to realize that man-made or not, it's an unfolding disaster and it's idiotic to ignore it.
In actuality, it's the other way around. Give up the world of your little graph and look into the facts yourself ... I know it's a stretch to not just come here and regurgitate what is fed to you, but try ... try hard.

You're right lol, graphs are useless!
The funniest part about this entire joke is that the people who believe highly in this global warming still drive cars to work, and still burn fossil fuels madly just as everyone else.

It's like being a peta activist who gorges himself on the raw meat of stillborn infants daily. Hypocrisy at its finest.
The people saying that it's not man-made need to realize that man-made or not, it's an unfolding disaster and it's idiotic to ignore it.
No it's not ... it's just part of the earth's cycle. Just like it was cooling in the 70's and everyone thought it was going to be a new ice age, it's warming now. It has happened, it is happening and it will happen again. We’re not causing and we’re not going to be hurt by it.
A list of ridiculous people in order from least to most ridiculous:

Conspiracy Theorists
Peta Activists
Westboro Baptist Church (God hates fags people)
'Earth is Flat' Group
Global Warming Believers
You're right lol, graphs are useless!
holy shit! You're right ... that one graph solves the whole thing. How silly of me to advise you to independently analyze the facts for yourself! I predict you will go far in life!
Just like it was cooling in the 70's and everyone thought it was going to be a new ice age, it's warming now.

Well that is total bullshit, but I hesitate to offend you since you seem sincerely ignorant. Global cooling made a Time cover once, and since they have no way to refute the overwhelming evidence that global warming is actually happening, the deniers, who in my mind are just delusional, quote "global cooling" as if there was any scientific consensus at the time, and as if their deference to an imaginary consensus then justifies ignoring the consensus now.

Translation: global warming deniers are the scum of the Earth, Fox News types etc. and they are knowingly lying about the causes and consequences.
You're right lol, graphs are useless!

The 600 year lag would not even be one pixel on that graph.

Read this. CO2 Science

Indermuhle, A., Monnin, E., Stauffer, B. and Stocker, T.F. 2000. Atmospheric CO2 concentration from 60 to 20 kyr BP from the Taylor Dome ice core, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters 27: 735-738.

What was done
The authors obtained a high-resolution record of atmospheric CO2 concentration spanning the period from 60 to 20 thousand years before present from the Antarctic Taylor Dome ice core, after which they compared this CO2 history with a temperature history obtained from the Antarctic Vostok ice core.

What was learned
Over the period of record, there were four distinct spikes in both the atmospheric CO2 concentration and air temperature histories, with temperature rising by approximately 2°C and CO2 concentration rising by about 20 ppm. One type of statistical test performed on the data by the authors suggested that the shifts in the air's CO2 content lagged those in the air's temperature by approximately 900 years. A second statistical test yielded a mean lag time of 1200 years; while a third such test, performed by Fischer et al. (1999) on data pertaining to early deglacial changes in the last three glacial-interglacial transitions, yielded a mean lag time of 600 years.

What it means
As we have long contended - see the various reports filed under Carbon Dioxide (Correlations with Temperature) in our Subject Index - these results continue to demonstrate that atmospheric temperature is the independent variable or leader of this dynamic geophysical duo, while atmospheric CO2 concentration is the dependent variable or follower. Logic, pure and undefiled, absolutely demands that cause must precede effect.

How much more clear can it be? Increases (decreases) in air temperature drive increases (decreases) in atmospheric CO2 concentration, and not vice versa. Hence, it is not rational to claim, as climate alarmists always do, that the weak correlation between global mean air temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration that exists over parts of the last century is evidence that the historical increase in this minute trace gas of earth's atmosphere is the cause of the intermittently observed warming that has sometimes occurred over this period. It is much more likely that, if anything, just the opposite is true.
Translation: global warming deniers are the scum of the Earth, Fox News types etc. and they are knowingly lying about the causes and consequences.
It's hard when you're religion is proven wrong, I get that. I know religious zealots like you refuse to look at facts ...

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Google Video

... and just want to believe what they want to believe. It's okay. Religion is a good thing in small doses.

btw: Those MIT scientists really look like "fox news tyoes" :lol:
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It's hard when you're religion is proven wrong, I get that. I know religious zealots like you refuse to look at facts ...

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Google Video

... and just want to believe what they want to believe. It's okay. Religion is a good thing in small doses.

btw: Those MIT scientists really look like "fox news tyoes" :lol:

And this relates to global cooling somehow? And those guys were arguing against anthropogenesis, not global warming.

The video disputes the man made origin of global warming, not that it's happening. And since it's happening, man made or not it's idiotic to simply ignore it, which is what it appears you are suggesting.