So... Dafuq was this ET doing in Iraq?


Where's the full, uncut & unedited 17 minute video?

Assumptions about the object "changing temperature" are likely unfounded. The types of IR rendering done by these military cameras will automatically shift the relative contrast of the image to keep it from becoming saturated or "washed out" when the relative background temperature shifts. The object is staying the same temperature but because either it or the camera (or both) is moving, it's shifting relative to the background. So as the background becomes colder and warmer the computer driving the image is adjusting the image contrast to compensate, with the goal of highlighting the relative differences in object temperatures within the frame. Higher zoom rates will amplify this effect.

Keep in mind the camera is likely mounted on an aircraft so the camera could actually be moving much faster than the object in the frame. Again, we don't know the level of zoom applied to the image. The resulting parallax could easily create the illusion the object is moving even when it's relatively stationary. You can see some of the fingerprints of this on how the object in the video appears to rotate slightly over time.

Here's an example of parallax doing the opposite; making another object appear to hover.


the OP video kinda looked like a dude wearing a jetpack; the phenomena you linked about is something called sprites, caused by triboluminescence due to tectonic movement (usually happens with soils high in quartz)

peeling sticky tape in a dark room will cause a glowing effect where the adhedive is peeling, the same is true when breaking wintergreen lifesavers in a dark room. same principle

but it sure looks cool as fuck :ninja
If you watch videos of that Jeremy Corbell guy, he's uniquely annoying. His mannerisms are frequent and always seem uncomfortable. He looks at people with that "Please believe me!" look in his eye that's so untrustworthy and sneaky. You can tell he's going for a "look" with the beard and tattoos, but always comes off as a total pussy.

That wrist watch. God damn