So britney's 16yo kid sis gets knocked up...

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And it's all over the news... yet not a single word about the guy who is fucking a 16 year old girl. Like it's suddenly okay? They said he was 23.

I have not heard a damn word about it, seems like something they would also have a fit over... America loves a good child molester story after all.

PS if it's open season on hot 16 year olds I missed the memo and have some catching up to do...
I heard they were dating for 2 a 21 year old dates and 14 year old?

That is so fucking wrong.....
Pick an OFN failure response Kowboy:

1. I don't have time to surf TW 24/7 like u nerds
2. HAHA fooled u guys u got trolled LAWL
3. I'm an idiot who doesn't search
If you'd read the other THREADS on this, you'd have seen a great deal of discussion concerning the age of the father.
link to other threads for proof this is OFN (i want to read them and don't want to search)

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