So anyone else here with knee problems?

Right now it feels like I broke my leg or some shit. Have a heat pad wrapped around it and gonna ice it shortly(yes at 4:14am Im doing this). About half an hour ago my knee cracked a few times and it felt like I have dislocated it again. So I got up bent it and straightened it a few times, worked fine hurt like hell.

So anyone else here have these wonderful problems?
You are the only person alive who has knee problems.

Everyone else dide taking the "recommended" medical treatments.

You are our only hope of studying people with knee problems.

Please, don't die.
It sounds like you tore your meniscus, you should go to the docotor and get an mri on your knee to make sure. I had the same problem and after surgery it was about a 5 week recovery time no big deal.
Had knee problems since I was 15 or so (now 38). Welcome to my world.

That being said...don't see a doctor whatever you do. Just ask random people on interweb forums about it...they will tell you the prefect answer to solve this and any other health problem.
well, do you exercise on a daily basis? If so, you may want to cut back on your exercise routine, as that may relieve your knee pain. If not, then you should probably see a doctor if you inexplicably experience knee pain for no particular reason.
See a doc so they can check it out. They will want a x-ray and tell you if the swelling does not go down in a week then its time for a specialist.

Well, that is how it went with me.

Then I had a MRI, was told my ACL was torn and I had to have it reconstructed using my patella tendon. 12 years later I don't have full range of motion, but I do admit its pretty strong and it is rarely sore. My "good" knee hurts more often then the bad one.
both my parents do.

Mum snapped her anterior cruciate ligament years ago before they had keyhole surgery and all that fancy stuff, when the surgery to repair it meant 6 months in a full leg cast and 12 on crutches. She didn't get it (her sporting days being over) and just lives with it 'popping out' every now and then when she twists on it funny.

Dad spent a lot of years playing baseball (yes, in Australia), and his knee is pretty much blown out.. essentially no cartilage left in it. He gets an injection of something or other in it every couple of years that lubricates it all and it's all good after a day or so.

You? Well, I'd say your problem's that you've got a sore knee. If it's still sore after some arbitrary period of time, go and show it to someone who knows about these things and tell them that it's ouchy.
I'm real surprised I didnt destroy my legs or knees growing up playing about 8 straight years of soccer and 4 years of football (Against huge niggers from south dallas who still play in the NFL to this day)

Then again I've planted behind a desk since I was 17 soon as I stopped... office jobs are the devil.
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It sounds like you tore your meniscus, you should go to the docotor and get an mri on your knee to make sure. I had the same problem and after surgery it was about a 5 week recovery time no big deal.

that sounds exciting :/
Im going to the doc on monday.

did it ever collapse under you? had that happen and didn't find out I tore my ACL + meniscus til like 8 months later.. MRI to be sure

never had it collapse under me. Its has locked up once or twice before though.
Yeah, your knees go bad as you get older, usually happens in your 30s.

I used to run marathons, finished 2 of them. Around the age of 30 I was running a 5 miler, and my knees started to hurt real bad. Had arthroscopic surgery on them, it helped but my running was over. Now they don't hurt, but if I run for a mile, then it starts up.

Put ice on them. You can put ice in a zip lock bag with some water. Place it on each knee and it will help. Don't run on pavement, or play a hard sport like Bball.

If you have a job with medical insurance, go see your primary doctor who will refer you to a specialist. From there you talk about arthroscopic surgery to clean them out. They do one knee at a time, and it's usually done as out patient where they knock you out.
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You know its right. You cut it off and kill it.
Yeah, your knees go bad as you get older, usually happens in your 30s.

I used to run marathons, finished 2 of them. Around the age of 30 I was running a 5 miler, and my knees started to hurt real bad. Had arthroscopic surgery on them, it helped but my running was over. Now they don't hurt, but if I run for a mile, then it starts up.

Put ice on them. You can put ice in a zip lock bag with some water. Place it on each knee and it will help. Don't run on pavement, or play a hard sport like Bball.

If you have a job with medical insurance, go see your primary doctor who will refer you to a specialist. From there you talk about arthroscopic surgery to clean them out. They do one knee at a time, and it's usually done as out patient where they knock you out.
Bah shit. Im fucking only gonna be 20 in another month. Nice to know what lies ahead I guess.
Figures one knee injury and my knee is fucked. Im icing it now. I dont even know why the hell Im sitll awake