[Small business] Anyone use Shopify(e-commerce)?


Veteran XV
Looking to startup something with a buddy of mine, and I was researching about current ecommerce and webstore solutions and I came across Shopify.com
Anyone have any experiences with that? It seems to have great features and the pricing isn't all that bad considering the full integration from inventory to checkout and shipping.
I checked out zen cart and magneto also but Shopify seems the most easy friendly and customizable...
I'm also hearing alot of rants about Paypal fees and money being freezed for no reason, anyone experience that also?

Well right now we're planning on it being an online apparel shop, so we'd need the basics like inventory, tracking, revenues, shipping, etc.
I think someone mentioned they've used it before (and liked it?); try a search.

A reminder though about startups; remember to keep spending low I think when you first start out (lower your money risk) if you can do it.

Once you start bringing in some profits then you can justify more spending on fancier tools etc if that's an option.
The reason I'm asking about shopify is because it seems to offer a completely integrated GUI management from start to finish, as in adding and managing inventory, web design, all the way to payment gateways and shipping info.
I'd rather make things as easy as possible for us so we can focus more on designing the actual products.

@ Gabe: We're currently searching for suppliers right now so we can get some samples to actually try in person and then go from there.

If anyone knows a decent fabric or clothing supplier in Canada/US please let me know that would help me make a decision faster.
cool. i'd say that you need to figure out what you're going to sell, and why you're going to be able to sell it better than other people.

once you figure that out you can worry about stuff like point of sale software and inventory management
so what'd you sell? digital content?

essentially - web services.

it was a while ago but from what i remember it was really easy to setup and the support community was awesome. when i did have an issue someone helped me out almost instantaneously and it was free.

i really have no idea how well it integrates with shipping/tracking services though. we just had it generate an invoice, email it out and then send us an email that was forwarded via sms.
i just looked at shopify - when we used zen we created our own storefront and let it act as a shopping cart.

if you don't want to have to build and maintain an actual site shopify might be a better opition... i don't know.
I am currently building an e-commerce store for a client and we are using a combination of Wordpress + e-commerce plugin that tracks orders and such, integrates with authorize.net and paypal and such.. So far its working out pretty well. It is not as popular of an option like zen cart or something but its working wonderfully.
I am currently building an e-commerce store for a client and we are using a combination of Wordpress + e-commerce plugin that tracks orders and such, integrates with authorize.net and paypal and such.. So far its working out pretty well. It is not as popular of an option like zen cart or something but its working wonderfully.

We were thinking of using a highly modified version of wordpress, and combine that with a payment gateway and shopping cart like zen, but since we will be running a business that requires shipping and such, I'd rather have the peace of mind that everything is integrated and will function as it should, and if not, there is a team standing by to fix it for me.
That's my thought on it anyway, soo....no TWers have tried it?
No I want to know how the uptime is, any problems or hiccups with operation, what the administrative GUI looks like, functions, etc.
I've never used it so I wanna know how it works before I start paying for it and register the business.