SL83's Extended and Ongoing Beer Thread

I just picked up Santa's Little Helper and Winterbraun.

Some of my cellar's latest and more fun acquisitions.

Also went to BigWood beer festival at brouwers last week

started out with Avery Rumpkin, Hair of the Dog 2008 Fred Flanders, Stone IRS 2008 Ellijah Craig. Ended up getting Alpine's BBA Imperial Porter (token?) & Founders CBS

And shared a bottle of Port Brewing's Brouwers 2009 Imagination #2 Sour Stout and Cascade Sang Royal with my friends.

Hey Enigma can you get more of the Barrel Aged Old Rasputin? I would gladly pay you for a bottle. I haven't seen that around anywhere
Just had some 2011 Black Tuesday, Oude Tart and Abyss. Oh, and 2010 Bourbon barrel aged Santa's Little Helper (Lost Abbey). Got my allocation of Melange 3 from The Bruery. Sooooooooo good.
stone sublime self-righteous ale is flowing through me

oh funny doesnt KA work for them? good stuff buddy