SL83's Extended and Ongoing Beer Thread

I just got a 4 pack of Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial I.P.A.

That stuff is win. I could drink this for the rest of my life and I'd die happy.
Damn.. I didnt know founders was so hard to find. I live 5 minutes from the brewery. We should set up some sort of TW beer exchange.
Just had Pike's Double IPA ($4 22oz bomber) that they debuted just recently at seattle beer week. This shit is tasty. Only 80 IBU but great floral hops and caramel malt. 8% but the alcohol is almost unnoticed. Great red-amber color but I did notice some debris in my glass, could have used a finer micron filter.
I don't get founders here in washington. I've heard nothing but good things about KBS but how does it compare to bourbon county?
KBS = superb coffee stout with a nice kick of bourbon
BCS = all bourbon...had an 09 last weekend, wow...bit overpowering, going to wait until my 08's get another year under them
Hey stigs... how do you age your beer? Room temp in the dark?
Ive got all mine in a 2nd fridge I bought for the basement.... they will still condition in the cold right?
i have a chest freezer with an analog temperature controller kept at 50F...the shelves in the pics are in a basement spare bathroom that doesnt get above 60. no light at all with the door closed, required.

its common belief that between 35-45, aging gets severely stunted...I have a mini fridge upstairs kept that cold for IPA's and smaller beers - things you dont want aged at all. ideally you want 45-55 for most stouts, barleywines, wilds/sours...

anything above 60 starts to get a little dicey, you can get away with <70 for awhile, its more light and temperature changes that cause havoc

what do you have aging?
nothing im really actively aging.... just a couple that i am saving to see if they get better :)
I have
Left Hand - Fade to Black
Darkhorse - Tres Blueberry Stout
Founders - Nemesis
Founders - Canadian Breakfast Stout
New Holland - Dragonmilk

those are the ones im saving a couple of to try later. I will be adding some Founders KBS when i run down there this weekend.
Ambient temp in my basement's back room is about 64 in the winter and 68ish in the summer. Maybe I should pull them out of the fridge?

My first attempt at homebrewing is in Primary right now... so i will be actively conditioning beer here in a few weeks
yeah thats a nice temp for a cellar, or just turn your fridge down and see how cold/warm? it gets?

where did you get CBS? bottled?

i'm torn on where Nemesis might go...wheatwines are a really odd style, but i was really impressed with the small sample i had. think its going to be one of those that peaks around a year then loses some luster.

hold onto that Dragon's Milk for a year or so as well...its not a great beer, but some good stuff comes out after a bit of settling

i'm a huge coffee nut...drink black, dark roasted, strong, french press at least 2 cups a stouts lose their freshness pretty quickly

i assume your in Michigan based on the beers you listed. stock up on Expedition Stout. IMHO its one of the best stouts for availability and price, even around here. I would buy a case in a second, and sit on it for years.
Damn.. I didnt know founders was so hard to find. I live 5 minutes from the brewery. We should set up some sort of TW beer exchange.

or setup some sort of get hammered at the brewery night. i've only been there once because i've got some friends in the area, but the bar at the brewery is very excellent.
ive got 2 left of the 4 pack of the breakfast stout... my brother in law brought it over for me :)
I had it out of the tap a few weeks ago and it was pretty good. i am assuming they are the same thing.

also tried KBS and it wasnt too bad... although they didnt open the taps until 2pm at the Michigan Winter Beer Festival and I was too many samples into the afternoon (it started at noon) to appreciate it :)
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canadian breakfast stout is aged in artisan maple syrup bottles, its definitely not the same as regular breakfast stout (with the chubby kid on the bottle)

drove 200 miles in the morning after a wedding last fall to get some canadian breakfast stout...well worth it, also had the syrup they use to age with some authentic belgian waffles, mind blowing. the syrup was $35/bottle.

the canadian breakfast stout has only been officially bottled twice, one for a beer festival in NC (only 50 bottles), and then recently from Founders (i think a ~150 bottle release) and all but a few of them went to Founders reps for tasting.
yeah thats the regular Breakfast Stout...still one of my favorites, always have one Christmas morning with my dad and brother-in-law