Skillz needed: MS Access (=$$)


Veteran X
Hey dudes, I need someone to construct me a pretty basic/moderate access DB, and put together some queries out of it based on some specs, if you're skilled I'd imagine it would take almost no time at all. Also needing this pretty soon.

Happy to PayPal out cashmonies for this service.

Hit me up if you're interested.
yeah, i'd be interested in how much you are paying too. i haven't touched msaccess since like 1999, been using sql server, but i'm pretty sure i could probably pick it right back up if i need to (not that i want to).
Provided: Most of the tables/variable names required, data to populate tables.
Needed: The database/relationships, and 4 basic queries/reports on specific things.

If you know what you're doing I imagine it'd take an hour or a little more tops. Happy to pay $75 with potential bonus on top, but needing this done in the next day or two.