[SJW] Segregation Is Back

well...add another school to the list

San Francisco State Builds Segregated Dorms Where African-Americans Can "Safely Live And Talk"

safely live and talk big business for colleges now

Oddly enough, the latest trend, at least in California, is self-imposed segregation. According to CBS, SFSU, upon demands of the Black Student Union, will be building dorms on campus specifically for black students who don't currently feel like they have a place where they can "safely live and talk about issues affecting African-Americans." SFSU is joining Cal State LA, UC Davis and Berkeley which have already announced similar plans to offer segregated housing dedicated to black students. While these housing options are technically open to all students, they’re billed and used as arrangements in which black students can live with one another
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Don't blame all black Americans for committing a disproportionately high amount of violent crime, but also it's all white people's fault for not doing anything about the police which targets black Americans for committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime.
equality achieved
