Since quite a few of you know so much about drugs tell me about OXYCODONE

I don't drink anymore anyway. I stopped drinking about a year and a half ago. I was an Alcoholic though been sober for 18 months since I found out I had this disease.

axeofblood said:
Has anyone become addicted to these..I am doing some research on the net and it mentions high addiction rates. I don't know how long I may be on this stuff. I'm suppose to goto a pain managment center to. He tells me they can give me pain blocking shots that are long lasting. I was on vicodin for almost a year and I hated that crap because it made me sick to my stomach after I took it. They took me off it cold turkey to and I felt like complete shit for 5 days after that. I don't want to go through that again.

Percocet is _much_ stronger than Vicodin. Yes, people can and do become addicted to it.
it's one person. and i believe the pictures are loosely translated from mexic-er..colombian to "bombed".
I was on Oxycodone after I had my wisdom teeth out. Very good stuff, but I wouldn't suggest trying to drive. I want to say I was on 15mg doses though, so you wouldn't have the same effects I did. It made me really tired and "floaty" after about 20-30 minutes. It was good stuff though, no pain at all. :)
PessimiStick said:
I was on Oxycodone after I had my wisdom teeth out. Very good stuff, but I wouldn't suggest trying to drive. I want to say I was on 15mg doses though, so you wouldn't have the same effects I did. It made me really tired and "floaty" after about 20-30 minutes. It was good stuff though, no pain at all. :)
I've been on it many times. Great for pain, if you're actually hurt. I never got a super floaty feeling off of it, but I guess if you aren't used to narcotics it could be weird at first. All in all, should help out with the pain for sure. :)
<@Makasuro> I'm going to 1. Shower 2. Do Laundry 3. Clean my room 4. Work out <@Makasuro> 5. Masturbate

No where in this list do you mention posting garbage to TW.