[sick of] "My Pillow" commercials


Veteran XV
This idiot is clearing making a fortune off selling over-priced pillows. He would have you believe the pillows cure cancer, promote peace and prosperity and improve your sex life.

He is on every major news network, radio station and hell I even got an ad on Pandora today.

W T F!



Overpriced? You need to do some comparative shopping before making such erroneous claims.

I don't disagree that the pillow industry as a whole has hyper-inflated priced products. "My Pillow" is a 3 x 3 piece of cloth filled with polyurethane chunks assembled by some poor Minnesotan shelp working minimum wage.

No way in hell this deserves a price tag approaching $100.

No way in hell this guy should be on every communication medium 24/7.

No way in hell this guy has a full head of naturally dark hair.
Just saw this on Fox

The Worst Kind of Insomnia - WSJ

This is the problem being capitalized on my My Pillow magnate. Smart, yes.

I think insomnia has more to do with our hyper-connectivity than it does the "perfect" pillow fill ratio. But what do I know? :shrug:

I've been trying to read books (on paper). So far, so good...
Memory pillow here. Between that and my leg/knee pillow that i use between the knees when sleeping on my side, i love sleeping. I bring my 2 pillows with me even on vacation. :lol: